2x12 Recitifier closed back cabinet problem

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Oct 26, 2010
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Apologies if this question has been posted before.

I have a rectifier 2x12 closed back cabinet which am running a 50w rectoverb through.

It has developed a low buzz on low / bassy notes - I want to take a look inside the cabinet, whats the safest / easiest way to do this?

Pop the jackplate loose from the back first then unscrew the back of the cab and remove. Sounds like a speaker got loose and air is escaping around it.
Thanks for that - i managed to remove the jack plate but not the rear panel! However, I can look inside and inspect the speakers and one looks like it has a couple of pin prick size holes (which look like solder marks) in it, this may be the cause.

I'll get my local shop to have a look

Thanks again