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1992 Mesa Dual Rectifier - "Pre-500" Revision C - SOLD!

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2005
Reaction score
DC Metro Area

I'm not going to bother giving a full description of a Revision C here. You guys I'm sure know what it is by this point. They typically go for around $1800 - $2000 on the last few I've sold, so why so much cheaper on this one? It has a few flaws, so I'm adjusting price accordingly.

1. It's a players amp, not a collectors piece.

It looks like it was kicked out of the back of the Motorhead tour bus...just joking... :mrgreen: Seriously though, the headshell has plenty of wear, and the external chassis is the same. Internally, it's flawless and clean as a whistle. Because of this, I'm adjusting the price accordingly.

2. It needs the Channel 1 Volume pot replaced.

Yeah, it's a quick and simple swap, but I have a one week old baby at home and well...I'm lazy... :lol: You could still use Channel 2 as normal right now, but if you want to use Channel 1, you'll need to replace the pot. Because of that, I've adjusted the price.

I don't have to sell it, but I'm not really using it either, so I'd rather see someone get more use out of it. If I do keep it, I'll probably have George (gts here on the board) retolex the headshell and I'll replace the pot, then it'll look and play like new.

Local DC/MD/VA residents are welcome to come by and try it out. I can take you to my practice spot and you can crank it until your ears bleed if you want. I can give you a choice of tubes, too. I have tons of random tubes that will fit the bias. I have a ton of Mesa 430 6L6's, Mesa 440 6CA7/EL34's, EH, etc. I think I have an original footswitch I can give you too.

Most people here know me pretty well by now, plenty of references. Feel free to ask all the questions you want.


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