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  1. L

    F50 Reverb problem

    Hi Chaps, Thanks very much for your replys - I think this may be a circuit board related or a wire problem tho, I may have to get it checked over by the service guys. The reason I'm thinking this is I swithed the amp on yesterday and the Reverb was working - switched it on today and it's not...
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    F50 Reverb problem

    Hello chaps! The reverb seems to have 'stopped working' on my F50... just wondering if any of you guys have had the same or similar problem? If I shake the reverb unit you can hear the sound of the springs moving through the speaker but it's very faint.... I've checked the connection plugs are...
  3. L

    Mesa F-50 General Health Problem...

    Hiya Hobo, Yep, exactly what the guy who repaired my amp said he had done. This seems like a common fault on these amps - As I said in my earlier post, I'm gonna make sure I replace the 2 power amp valves on a regular basis. Thanks :o) Leon.
  4. L

    Mesa F-50 General Health Problem...

    Hi Peeps, I've now got my F-50 back and it's working great - Exactly the problem Mikeyp suggested - The Screen Grid resistors needed replacing on the circuit board next to the valves, it wasn't an expensive job, cost £36 pounds. Thanks! Leon White.
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    Mesa F-50 General Health Problem...

    Hi Mikeyp, Thanks for your post... I've taken the Amp to my local Tube Amp specialist and first thing he mentioned was a 'Screen grid resistor' so that sounds like a similar problem that happened on your amp - they are gonna have a look at the amp next week for me so I'll post again when I've...
  6. L

    Mesa F-50 General Health Problem...

    Hiya there Chaps, Just wondering if any of you tech types could shed any light on this... OK, so my F-50 failed at a gig - the sound was cracking/cutting out then there was a bright flash at the back of the amp while it was switched on (inside the grill) followed by a burning smell - I presumed...
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    Mesa F-Series... F-50 Problem, help please!

    Well Mr 155, a gold star for you... It was the 2 6L6 power tubes, so I've ended up replacing all the valves in the amp! Oh well, al least it works now. I found this out when I replaced with the new 4 x 12AX7's and the problem was still there - borrowed 2 x 6L6's from my mates amp, stuck them it...
  8. L

    Mesa F-Series... F-50 Problem, help please!

    Hi Decosimo, I got 4 Mesa 12AX7's, haven't get 'em yet - hopefully will solve the problem! Leon.
  9. L

    Mesa F-Series... F-50 Problem, help please!

    Hi chaps, Thanks very much for you advice! I've ordered 4 new pre-amp valves so hopefully that will solve the problem... I keep ya posted if it doesn't! Thanks again, Leon.
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    Mesa F-Series... F-50 Problem, help please!

    Hi There, Wondering if anybody can help me here. I'm not very tech minded tho so hope I don't sound too dim in this post... Anyway, my F-50 amp seems to sound fine through the 'clean' channel, but is crackling/spluttering at high volume through the distortion/contour channel. The two large...