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  1. D

    FS: Mk IV in Hong Kong

    Hey y'all! I'm in the process of selling my Mk IV which I bought brand new last year. Yeah, I know, it's sad. However, I have bills to pay so it's got to go. I really don't want to ship it, so if there are any forumers based in Hong Kong or surrounding areas willing to pick up - message me...
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    f-30 direct silent recording

    Hey guys, Ok, here's what I understand: If I switch the speaker on/off switch to the off position = speaker off I can then use the Head Phones/Record out to record silently this way. What I want to clarify is: Is the Head Phones/Recording out pre or post power amp? Will I get some of that...
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    New Orange Tiny Terror

    Radial makes a few products that might interest you.
  4. D

    How should I mic a 4x12 Rectifier Straight cab?

    Thanks Chris. I'll have to try to figure out how I will do this. It's gonna be time consuming though as I don't have any friends who play like me. Regarding the mic placement, you said 1 to 1.5 inches from the cone - in which direction? Up, down left or right from the cone? I now understand...
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    How should I mic a 4x12 Rectifier Straight cab?

    I've got me my very first 4x12 and I'm very new to micing something like this. I've mic'ed combos before, but for some reason I feel quite lost with this beast. I have a 4x12 Rectifier Straight cab and my mics are a 57 and 421. Pictures would help if anyone has some. Thanks!
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    just for you guys

    I feel I missed something here...would anyone be willing to enlighten me, please?
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    Does using casters reduce bass response?

    I have a 4x12 Rectifier Standard Straight cab and want to know if using casters will reduce the bass response. I've only ever owned combos and this is my first 4x12 so sorry for the n00b question. From what I understand, it is better to use a 4x12 without casters because it sounds better. But...
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    How many plies in a Rectifier 4x12 and generally?

    How many plies of birch is there in a Rectifier 4x12 straight cab? Also, how many plies does Mesa use in general? This info is not on the website and I'm interested to know.
  9. D

    Which MkIV should I get?

    I went to the shop today and spent 2 hours A/B-ing the head through a Rectifier Straight 4x12 and the Combo at full volume. The head of the guitar sales department and I were in the part of the store where this could be done effortlessly and there were no other noises or distractions. The half...
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    Which MkIV should I get?

    UPDATE: Turns out the head is a medium head! :shock: So I'm picking that up. :twisted: You have no idea how happy I am! So that's on hold for me now. I also managed to get the wife's seal of approval on a Straight Rectifier 4x12. So that's what I'll be running this bad boy through! Woot! Is...
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    Which MkIV should I get?

    Thanks for all the input. Yeah, I'm really leaning towards getting the head. I have a couple of questions since I've only owned combos and never any heads- 1) When using a speaker cable from the head to a cab - how long of a cable can I use without degrading the signal? I'm going to place a...
  12. D

    Which MkIV should I get?

    I am in a really good situation where I get to pick whether I get to buy a MkIV short head or MkIV wide combo. They are both brand spankin new! I put the MkIV wide combo on layaway, but my dealer told me that they have a short head up for sale now because the person who ordered it couldn't pay...
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    MkIV DOB

    Hey guys, I'm new, first post. I just got me a brand new MkIV. No, I'm not trolling, it's sitting in a box from the MesaBoogie factory at my Mesa dealer on layaway for 7 more weeks. It's driving me nuts that I can't play it yet! I did get the serial number and I want to know when it was made...