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  1. D

    LSS Rectifier Issue - Info

    Yeah I gave this a try and it's the left most position that red-plates all the time no matter which tube I put in there. Something must have gone wrong with that socket's circuitry. Shoot. This thing sounds *amazing* when it's working perfectly. I'll seek out a good tech. Thanks.
  2. D

    LSS Rectifier Issue - Info

    Has anyone tried and confirmed this fix? I'm thinking about trying it. My LSS started acting up about 6 weeks after buying it used. It came with a Sovtek 5Y3, Mesa EL84's, and a mix of 12AX7 brands in the pre-amp. The symptoms I'm facing: Any EL84 that I put in the left-most slot (nearest to...
  3. D

    EH Memory Man Deluxe - noise issues?

    Hey guys, I recently bought a Deluxe Memory Man delay pedal and at reasonable settings it sounds awesome. But when I turn up the delay and blend to about ~400 ms of delay and anything past 60% blend, I start to hear some hissing on the echoes. No noise on the original dry signal, but when the...
  4. D

    Post your rig part 2

    Thanks for the compliment! Really, its just my buddy's camera work that brought out the nice reflection, any guitar with a trans-finish would look just as gorgeous in that pose. :mrgreen: To answer your question: It's a MIM strat that I parted and put back together with a new body that I...
  5. D

    Post your rig part 2

    My buddy got a new camera and decided to take some glamor shots of my gear. Thought it'd be a great opportunity to post here! :mrgreen: Mesa Boogie DC-5 with an avatar 2x12 cab loaded with eminence legends. and just for fun:
  6. D

    Vintage HiWatt re-bias , need help

    My friend got a HiWatt Custom 50 (model # DR504) from his dad. It had some problems in the past where it would keep burning through fuses so they put it away for a while. We replaced the tubes and fuses and got it to work, but after about 10 minutes of playing one of the EL34's plates would...
  7. D

    New DC-5 owner, footswtich question

    Thanks for the quick answer! I took a look at the DC-3 manual on the MB website, and its the same as the DC-5 manual's layout, which is again different than mine. But I took a look at the DC-10 manual and it has the same layout as what I have (and what you described as well). Makes sense...
  8. D

    New DC-5 owner, footswtich question

    Hey guys, I'm a new DC-5 owner and new to the forum as well. First Mesa I've owned, and it definitely lived up to my expectations! So I have question... I'm looking to make my own footswitch pedal for channel switching. And I was curious about the other footswitch-able options for this amp...