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  1. P


    Used to do.. if you mean the sansamp psa 1. thats a realy cool preamp. the origin of rammsteins sound! But in my opinion you have to mix that sound with alltube amp,,otherwise it sounds really thin. would be great to hear a clip through the 400+ then. i used it through a marshall or straight...
  2. P

    equalizer...difference between graphic and parametric

    chris, found this on youtube. listen careful at the beginning an at 1:27 ain't lp quality but sounds pretty good if you have descent speakers to your computer. let me know how you would try to achieve this sound.
  3. P

    equalizer...difference between graphic and parametric

    Chris. thanks for the lesson. In meanwhile i have been reading some threads authored by you. one about the frequensis different effects on the tone.very helpful. It would be fun to hear what you knowledge says about some of my favourite guitarsounds "except mesas so to say :wink:" NO:1killing...
  4. P

    equalizer...difference between graphic and parametric

    almost right...i do miss a bassplayer..but have a drummer . how do you mean by damaging the speakers ?? they are not supposed to take that load, or by unnormal fast wearing, dont know if it makes some difference but i have now two rectocabs running from the marks 4ohm output jacks. got the...
  5. P

    equalizer...difference between graphic and parametric

    Ok. This is how i use to have it set: 100:10db+ 200:7.5- 400:0 800:5+ 1.6:0 3.2:5+ 6.4:0 Firstly it was from a post from you i think that i learned to raise the 100hz and lower the 200hz to get rid of the muddiness from rectifiers..dont know if that is neccesary now with the mark III..but...
  6. P

    equalizer...difference between graphic and parametric

    Can someone describe the difference. have a boss ge7..suppose that it means" Graphic Eq" it absolutly works to change the sound ,but matter how it is set i feel that is smoothing out the a bad way that means. like if it takes out that raw organic crunch of the mark III...
  7. P

    MARK III metal sound questions!!!

    thanks for your answers.. About the tube combination in the powerstage then...straigth 6l6 or mixed up with el 34's?
  8. P

    MARK III metal sound questions!!!

    OK.... so it's the lead channel everybody is refering to in matter of the crunchy metallica sound. what about the rhytm 2 then, is't like the rectifiers pushed mode in the clean channel???? Also another thing i started thinkin of...which tube setup for that metallica crunch in a mark III...
  9. P

    MARK III metal sound questions!!!

    Im about to switch from rectifier to a mark III blue stripe simulclass..getting it in about 2 weeks! And i have read about every thread which involves the mark III, and also of course the user manual mesa but there is still one thing i havent understand. All these metal sounds...