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  1. S

    who owns a mesa express amp?

    vinnie-australia I had a bad rattle everytime I used my les paul, on the clean channel It would occur on certain bass notes and it drove me mad for a while til I found the solution.Simple cure was to tighten the screws right up on the two metal strips on top of the combo.This pulls the chassi...
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    I totally agree with you expresslover,I have the 5:50 1x12 and it is simply amazing.A friend of mine bought one of these last xmas and let me borrow it for a couple of days,so I put it against my JVM 410c.Big mistake !!! the mesa made my marshall sound sterile and cold,I was not happy.Then...
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    Boogie Express 5:50 Tone Help!

    .....+1 on that.The express 5:50 is way more versatile than people give it cedit for.Spanking cleans through to metal no problamo :!: :D
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    Express 5:50 1X12

    I hear ya thats the problem I had with the jvm.The tones in my head were not in the amp then I borrowed an express off a friend of mine and it was perfect for me.Trouble is now I feel some serious gas coming on for more Mesa gear.Wife's gonna love me :lol: .How do you rank the Deuce because...
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    Express 5:50 1X12

    Thats a shame the express does'nt cut it for you rocky.I've had the 5:50 for a couple of months and can get everything from country to metal just using my texas special fat strat.Sure the express needs a pedal or highoutput humbuckers to chug along with real heavy stuff but it can do everything...
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    who owns a mesa express amp?

    Hi to everyone here,I'm a new member and have just bought my first ever Boogie,the Express 5:50.Wow what a class act this amp is,very pricey here in the UK but worth every penny.I traded my Marshall jvm combo with cash for this baby and never been happier!.A friend of mine let me borrow his mesa...