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  1. D

    Q: Buster 2x10" Combo & Diesel 1x15"

    You're right, the EV 15L is one hell of a efficient speaker! I tried EQ-ing the setup with the graphic bands but there was always this feeling that the bigger speaker just played too loud... of course, the 10s added a sparkling high end to the overall sound, but if you left the "sweet spot" of...
  2. D

    Q: Buster 2x10" Combo & Diesel 1x15"

    Update: I wrote to Mesa customer service... telling the story of my 1st post. The answer was: Things have changed a bit since I have messed with the "spl-problem". I now also own a "Bass 400" that I bought together with another 1x15 cab. The amp and cabinet is end-80s-stuff. Surprisingly...
  3. D

    Q: Buster 2x10" Combo & Diesel 1x15"

    Hi folks, hope you can help me in some way... I'm the proud owner of one Buster 2x10" 6x6L6 Tube driven combo-amp... looking for a extension I recently bought a used Diesel 1x15" cabinet, housing the great EVM 15L. Ok, now here it starts to get complicated: The two 10s are 16ohms each, wired...