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  1. S

    2x12 versus 1x12 in a lonestar special

    Its a Lonestar Special I have, but I will give it a bash on 30w with the one 16 ohm and see how we get on. Thanks!
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    2x12 versus 1x12 in a lonestar special

    I see from the user manual that it says a 16 ohm speaker is a safe mismatch for the amp, but that it will run a little cooler... As my basic sound is a tele through ch1 with the gain at about 4.00 and the volume at about 11.00 and the effects loop knob on the back pushed up to about 2.00, I...
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    2x12 versus 1x12 in a lonestar special

    As I have absolutely no problem with the c90's I will probably get one 8 ohm to replace both 16 ohms. I'm just a little nervous about shelling out for a new 16 ohm speaker to find that the directivity is still a problem. I assume the only place to get them from is Mesa direct? Or do Celestion...
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    2x12 versus 1x12 in a lonestar special

    I tried the doughnuts before but took them out, not because of a deteriation of the sound but as it didn't really resolve the problem. However, it does seem (verified by Jay Mitchell) that its the two speakers interfering that I'm experiencing so I'm going to replace the stock speakers with a...
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    2x12 versus 1x12 in a lonestar special

    This may be a pretty basic question, but what are the main differences between 1x12 and 2x12? (Don't say 'the number of speakers'...) Anybody try them back to back? What do you guys prefer? The reason for my question is that I have a 2x12 bought purely with the thought (without any...
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    Attenuators / Power soaks

    I have a Lonestar Special that I use for gigging in smallish rooms with an unmiked drummer - reasonable volume but not exactly pushing the amp. I use a highish preamp level, volume level about half way up, and the output and solo levels at about 9 and 10 o'clock respectively. I am wondering if...
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    LSC/LSS owners; are you happy with channel2?Want to fix it?

    Ok, in a bit of a slack moment I decided to have a count of all those who have done the mod and whether they kept it or not: Charles Reeder - The Modfather plan-x :D djw :D cb101 changed back Mick :D Mesafan :D BobL...
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    LSC/LSS owners; are you happy with channel2?Want to fix it?

    I wouldn't say that the amp post mod has less gain at all, it just has a less compressed sound to it. One of my concerns before doing the mod is that it would have less gain but I have not found that to be the case at all. In fact, I have found that I can dial in more gain without it becoming...
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    LSC/LSS owners; are you happy with channel2?Want to fix it?

    Well, I have had a morning with the amp at a reasonable volume and I am definately happier with the amp post mod. I am getting a whole range of sounds at various levels of gain that hit the spot for me, whereas before the mod I spent a lot of time finding one sound that I was happy with. I was...
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    LSC/LSS owners; are you happy with channel2?Want to fix it?

    I wonder if my amp is the first in England to get 'Reedered'?????! Wow, a UK first...
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    LSC/LSS owners; are you happy with channel2?Want to fix it?

    WELL...... Picked up my amp this afternoon, and what can I say? The mod does exactly what it says on the tin. :D With settings the same (at all gains and tone settings) the 2 channels are now pretty much identical. Add in the tone switch and the second gain stage and you have channel 1 plus...
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    LSC/LSS owners; are you happy with channel2?Want to fix it?

    Well, after plenty of mulling of my own, I should get my 'Reedered' LSS back on Tues/Weds and will post on here what I think about it...
  13. S

    LSC/LSS owners; are you happy with channel2?Want to fix it?

    So, now you have had time to assess things, what are your views on the mod? Does it just alter the gain or the basic sound of ch2 as well?
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    LSC/LSS owners; are you happy with channel2?Want to fix it?

    Lowering the gain and boosting the master does NOT give the same tone. Not to my ears anyway. Even when I think they are the same, I switch to ch1 and the sound 'opens up' in some way. The sounds are close, but ch1 just sounds better... If the mod purely affects the gain then I will probably end...
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    LSC/LSS owners; are you happy with channel2?Want to fix it?

    Well, after some dithering, I have put my LSS into a local repairman to do the mod (I know nothing about electronics and have scared off by the threat of immediate death via the dreaded Caps). I was going to do it a few weeks ago, but thought I would give ch2 some proper attention to try and get...
  16. S

    Effects between guitar and amp or in loop??

    I currently use Chorus, delay, wah, overdrive and pickup booster and have always put them between guitar and amp. I have a Lonestar special and always have the loop engaged for the solo boost option, so was going to have a play around with the effects in the loop, but would like a few pointers...
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    LSC/LSS owners; are you happy with channel2?Want to fix it?

    Right, that settles it. I've got a gig this weekend so will leave it for now (just in case...) but next week is Reeder Time!
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    Speakers are a funny thing

    Have you tried the Seymour Duncan Pickup Boost pedal? My Telecaster through that into ch1 gain at 3.00 sounds the Mutts nuts...
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    Speakers are a funny thing

    Look forward to hearing what you think. As far as the gain issue goes, I think the amp is spot on for crunchy mid gain sounds. But I reckon a quality basic tone from the amp and a killer pedal will deal with the high gain stuff...hey, that's what pedals are for...