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  1. alberto.s.martinez@gmail.

    Modified Pawn shop SOB

    I play Gothic rock, so I'd love to have reverb back on it
  2. alberto.s.martinez@gmail.

    Modified Pawn shop SOB

    A response from a tech who has worked on a bunch of these: "The pcb's are also not the best layout, so you're most likely better off with the point to point wiring in place of it."
  3. alberto.s.martinez@gmail.

    Modified Pawn shop SOB

    I'd just like to know what was done to it and why. especially why the reverb knob pot isnt connected to anything.
  4. alberto.s.martinez@gmail.

    Modified Pawn shop SOB

    The amp sounds good, but yeah I see it doesnt have the board anymore. would that affect the tone/functionality at all?
  5. alberto.s.martinez@gmail.

    Modified Pawn shop SOB

    Found this in a pawn shop. I guess someone didn't want to use a reverb tank. Also it seems they removed a preamp tube input. It seems like the two back knobs are some sort of presence controls and volume?. Anyone care to take a guess as to what they did and why?