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  1. chevaliernoir

    (Attempted) Resurrection of a Mesa Boogie 400+

    Voici la traduction en anglais de ton texte : And the burned-out amp? I removed the components that were burnt or nearby... some were completely charred. After a good cleaning, the PCB is still perfectly usable. That’s great news, especially since I only ordered around fifty euros worth of...
  2. chevaliernoir

    (Attempted) Resurrection of a Mesa Boogie 400+

    .. by the way, the two 62k resistors are also very hot (~100°C). Nothing abnormal or alarming since they each seem to have 240V applied to them. Except they are almost in contact with one of those large 220uF electrolytic capacitors, which probably doesn't appreciate it too much... So, I...
  3. chevaliernoir

    (Attempted) Resurrection of a Mesa Boogie 400+

    Quick question for the electronics experts... what is the purpose of the 3 Ohm / 5W resistor? On the amp that seems to work, it heats up a lot (I understand why a 5W resistor is used), but I don't see why there would be a significant current. On the amp that burned out, it seems that the...
  4. chevaliernoir

    (Attempted) Resurrection of a Mesa Boogie 400+

    Hello. My "Toulousain" amp seems to be in perfect condition after its conversion to 220V. The output sound is good without any parasitic noise. However, as I mentioned earlier, after playing music for a while, the sound quality degraded, and two seconds later, the fuse blew. The 110V version...
  5. chevaliernoir

    (Attempted) Resurrection of a Mesa Boogie 400+

    I left the amp running, with all the tubes installed. I turned up the volume a bit (nothing extreme). After a few minutes, I had the feeling there was a slight hum... then distortion, and finally the fuse blew. Well, I had only put in a 2A fuse, whereas I should have used something higher. But...
  6. chevaliernoir

    (Attempted) Resurrection of a Mesa Boogie 400+

    Voici la traduction en anglais de ton texte : Well, I installed the four Mesa 12AX7 tubes to see and... When I put sound through input 1 or 2, it comes out well through the effects loop. No crackling and no noticeable distortion. Awesome! (again) 👍👍 The tone controls work, the EQ too, and the...
  7. chevaliernoir

    (Attempted) Resurrection of a Mesa Boogie 400+

    Wired in 220V this morning and... it works. Maybe I got lucky because I didn’t take any prior measurements. I'm still monitoring it with the thermal camera. The hot spots are identified, reasonable, and "normal." I have the correct AC and rectified voltages, great! 506V instead of 480V -64V...
  8. chevaliernoir

    (Attempted) Resurrection of a Mesa Boogie 400+

    PROLOGUE I have a Mesa Boogie 400+. I've tinkered with it a bit but haven’t done any major work, except for building a nice box to protect it. PURCHASE DECISION I’ve been talking for a while with a seller in Toulouse who has a broken 400+. His "buddy who knows his stuff" determined that the...
  9. chevaliernoir

    Carbine M3 Troubleshooting

    I changed the pico fuse on the transistors or M6 carbine. I used fast blow, as the goal is to try to protect the transistor. In your case, the goal is to protect the transformer, I guess, so I would consider slow blow by default, and I'm confident fast blow would make the job too
  10. chevaliernoir

    mesa boogie strategy 400 cooling fan

    On mine, with original fan, I changed the power resistance mounted on the switch, in order to lower the low speed. Then it really become low noise, and I still have the possibility of high cooling capability
  11. chevaliernoir

    Bass 400+ power tubes

    the recomendation I get for tube amp tech is to use JJ 6L6GC.One advantage is thet they exist with "red" or "green/gray" configuration, and then it is enough to get all tubes from the same "color". No need to make special sorting to get 12 paired tube. I'm looking for that from France, but the...
  12. chevaliernoir

    Loic, Bass player & electronic engineer, from France

    I ordered a new 400+ damaged to rebuild, and maybe a third one soon. I'm looking for Output transformer for 400+, and 400+ set of tubes
  13. chevaliernoir

    Loic, Bass player & electronic engineer, from France

    Hello, I'm Loic, 52 years old, located in France (Toulouse) I entered in Mesa Boogie family with a 400+. I just did the maintenance, then built a case around. Then I bought a M6, with power stage broken. I changed all the power mosfets and few other things, and it works now! But, like the...