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The Boogie Board

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  1. R

    New amps?

    Yes, the DRMW has all the flexibility I want, but who needs the cost and weight of a 100W head plus a matching large cab these days? They are not appropriate for either home use or most venues. It seems that I would be paying for a huge number of features that I wouldn’t use and such a complex...
  2. R

    Post your rig - part 3

    In the 90s I had a stereo rack, but these days I have a much simpler setup. All my pedals run into the front of either my Mesa F-50 or Laney Lionheart L20T-410. With the F-50, I mostly use the pedals with the clean channel, e.g., a Gary Moore high gain lead sound might be the Angry Charlie with...
  3. R

    New amps?

    While I understand that the world is different since modelling amps have become popular, there are stage/venue sound level limits and Gibson’s takeover of Mesa Boogie, as a Mesa Boogie owner and fan, it is disappointing that there have been so few new Mesa Boogie amps released over the last 10...