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  1. marcel20855

    New member and new to Mesa amps

    Welcome! I got a 5:25+ last spring. It's the best-sounding amp I've ever owned, and very versatile for my classic rock band. We have a loud drummer and the other guitarist uses a Badlander 50, and they ask me to turn down more often than turn up!
  2. marcel20855

    Express 5:25

    When I got my Express used, it was making squeals and clicks and pops and other weird noises, even after I cleaned the tube pins with Deoxit and wiggled them in the sockets before it dried. A full set of new tubes fixed all of that. Replacing one or two problem tubes might have fixed it too...
  3. marcel20855

    My first Mesa Amp

    To me, that quote from the manual just means you might get bad sounds while the gain is all the way up. Season to taste. Edit: I read the quote again, and I see that it does say the tubes can be damaged over time, but it seems that would only happen if you let the amp squeal for an extended...
  4. marcel20855

    My first Mesa Amp

    I checked the manual for my amp (Express 5:25+, but I imagine others are similar). There are several references to how you may want to adjust the tone controls when using maximum gain, and no warning about maximum gain causing damage. The manual does say you can get unpleasant microphonics...
  5. marcel20855

    Quality control issues on day one
  6. marcel20855

    Using the speaker of a DC-2 combo without using the amp

    Your post is a little unclear on exactly what you're thinking of trying, but never plug the output of one amp into the speaker output jack of another amp. And leaving the combo amp's speaker cable connected to the combo amp's output jack while using a separate cable with clips to connect a...
  7. marcel20855

    Quality control issues on day one

    The chassis tension screw should be hand tight and will stick out of the chassis when properly tightened. If you crank it with a screwdriver, you could deform the chassis.
  8. marcel20855

    Express 5:25 1x10 - tons of feedback on burn channel?

    That's normal for such a high-gain setting. I tried your settings on my Express 5:25+ with a Les Paul-like guitar and got instant feedback. Try muting strings you don't want to ring with one or both hands, and roll your guitar volume off if you need to let go of the strings. Getting farther...
  9. marcel20855

    Cleaning the rugged leather casing on your Boogie combo

    I've had good results on tolex and bright metal with this product. A little goes a long way, and you'll want to buff with a dry cloth afterwards.
  10. marcel20855

    My first Mesa

    Hi Everyone, I'm also new to the forum, and looking forward to learning and contributing. Last weekend, I picked up a very clean 11-year old Express 5:25+ combo from Atomic Music in Beltsville, MD (awesome shop!). All it needed was a pair of less-worn-out power tubes swapped in from one of my...