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The Boogie Board

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  1. J

    Has anybody played a Fuchs?

    They screwed up my Boogie too. Had to send it to MB who was shocked at their level of incompetence. Stay away. Very abrasive owner.
  2. J

    Mark II ID’ing

    Not odd at all. There were plenty of C’s mixed in with the C+’s, especially early on in the run. There are later examples of non+C’s out there.
  3. J

    Mark II ID’ing

    Nothing unusual. It’s a late model 2C made during the 2C+ era.
  4. J

    2B is not 2B. (It's a 2C+)

    Looking back at it, the Rep is RCS and matches Randall’s signature.
  5. J

    2B is not 2B. (It's a 2C+)

    I’ve seen others where it’s only Randall’s signature so that doesn’t seem suspect to me. Not sure about the “rep”… could be repair/replace but seems like it’s related to the 4.84 date marking.
  6. J

    2B is not 2B. (It's a 2C+)

    Cool! Any pics?
  7. J

    Help ID of MK II ?

    If you’re not in an area with a ton of musicians you could try selling on or consign with a local shop. will give you some ideas about asking prices.
  8. J

    Early IIC to IIC+ Conversion, Serial 12119

    Willcutt Willcut is probably the store it was sold to. They are in KY.