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  1. F

    Mesa Rackmount Kit for Mark IV, 50 Cal, *SOLD*

    The rack is sold, thanks for the interest everyone. :) Mark
  2. F

    MK III vs. .50 cal - can the little guy compete?

    If you're looking for a raw rock n roll tone, the 50 Cal can give you that for sure. That's what it was designed for. The clean channel has a pretty sweet Fender kind of tone as well, if that's your thing (At least mine does anyway). Mark
  3. F

    50 Caliber Mystery!

    "Across the effects loop" ... did you mean plug a cable into the send and return? Mark
  4. F

    50 Caliber Mystery!

    That was my concern ... I have the 2 6L6's.
  5. F

    50 Caliber Mystery!

    I bought a Caliber 50 + Head a year and a half or so ago, and it never really sounded the way it should have (no gain, terrible tone, etc). I tried changing the tubes, etc, but no difference. So I was using it as a power amp for a POD XT Live. Then yesterday, I decided to plug directly into it...
  6. F

    Wanted: Mesa Black Shadow

    I just bought a Celestion Vintage 30 - I'm all set. :lol: Mark
  7. F

    Wanted: Mesa Black Shadow

    I'm looking for a replacement speaker for my Line 6 1X12 Satellite cab. Does anyone have a Black Shadow they'd be willing to sell? Mark
  8. F

    Can't stand modern Marshalls!

    I don't like getting into these discussions normally, but I actually just bought a 2002 DSL 100 head the other day. It's a little too early to tell but it has some usable sounds for sure. I also own a 50 caliber head, and have a series I dual rectifier as well that I was using to record my...
  9. F

    50 caliber + vs Dual Caliber DC-5

    Has anyone tried these two side by side? Other than the totally seperate channels, are these both voiced pretty much the same? (I'm referring to the heads, not combos).
  10. F

    Wanted: Empty head cab for early Mk and/or SOB (no reverb)

    I'll take some pics tonight and post them here ... actually how do I post them on here? Do I need to upload them onto a free site like Photo bucket first? Mark
  11. F

    Wanted: Empty head cab for early Mk and/or SOB (no reverb)

    By the way, mine doesn't have the cutouts for the reverb unit. Mark
  12. F

    Wanted: Empty head cab for early Mk and/or SOB (no reverb)

    I have a case for a 50 Caliber+, or Mark IV short size chassis, if someone has a combo and wants to convert it into a head. My caliber is rackmounted now. I can post some pics if anyone is interested.
  13. F

    Schematic for 50 Caliber+ Head

    I did a search, but really didn't find anything that applies to my situation. There was one post about the send/return jacks having an effect on someone's level cutting in and out, but in my case it's just that the preamp doesn't have the gain of other Calibers I've played or owned. Thanks for...
  14. F

    Recto Pre Volume

    Get an Echo Mia - best soundcard for the buck in my opinion. I have one and it sounds really good.
  15. F

    mesa recording pre for sale

    I've been considering going totally rackmount (I have a rack mounted 50 Cal +) - what didn't you like about it?
  16. F

    Schematic for 50 Caliber+ Head

    Thanks, I'll do a search and see what comes up.
  17. F

    Schematic for 50 Caliber+ Head

    Thanks bro, now I need to find someone who knows how to fix it if it has been modded. :shock:
  18. F

    Schematic for 50 Caliber+ Head

    Hi there, I purchased an old 50 caliber+ head a while back, and have been using it mainly as a power amp for my POD XT Live. The past couple of weeks I had a chance to A/B it with a Dual Caliber head in the studio and the sound is completly different. Just so you know, I owned a 50 Cal + when...