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  1. B

    which pick ups are best for all types of rock

    I would also say -JB/59 combo, its pretty versatile, from blues,modern rock to metal..
  2. B

    rect'o'verb technical question

    thanks again each help is very appreciated!
  3. B

    rect'o'verb technical question

    thanks on advice :D I think that this one is a keeper :twisted:
  4. B

    rect'o'verb technical question

    yes its 8ohm! (2x12 recto cab). so its no problem you say... thank you very much!
  5. B

    rect'o'verb technical question

    hi all! I'm from croatia so sorry on my bad english :) my question is, can I connect 2x12 box on rectoverb combo1x12 and will the speaker in combo work in that way?