While I don’t know how the op have gone about this, the point is that even authorized Mesa repair shops in Europe can’t get spare parts from Mesa right now. At least that’s what I was told by the authorized Mesa repair shop in Sweden. And Mesa won’t ship spare parts directly over seas, you’ll...
No, that’s not the same transformer. The X101 is a lot bigger. Actually bigger than the 105 transformer. I think the X101 was used on Mark IIB up until the earliest Mark III No stripes.
Actually Mesa didn’t keep records of when the amps were made back then. But if you open it up there should be year and month of manufacture written with a sharpie on the chassis. As it’s a blue stripe it’s most certainly made in 1988. They came in both short and long versions. So did the Mark...
That’s a 60W Mark III though. Look at the middle knob, It says “pull rhythm 2”. And you can see the input for rhythm 2 foot switch on the back. Also there is no such thing as a 50 watter, it’s 60W.
I asked Mike B about this and it is indeed possible. But the simulclass OT’s they have now is wired pentode and the original OT used in the IIC+ was wired triode.
Don’t know about going from simulclass to 100/60 w though.
I don’t think they sell the ones I’m looking for anymore. I’m looking for the black plate with white Mesa/Boogie logo, approximately 7,5” wide.
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Hi all
New to the forum and new to Mesa Boogie. I Recently bought a Mark IV rev B short head and I absolutely love it. It has the smaller Boogie logo plate. But I really like the look of the old Mesa/Boogie plates.
Does anyone have a spare one to sell?