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  1. R

    WTB: Rectoverb combo cabinet or head cabinet EMPTY

    I'm looking to replace the cabinet on my rectoverb combo since FEDEX did me the favor of destroying my old one. Luckily the electronics survived. If you have a empty combo cab or even a head cab I might be interested. Thanks!
  2. R

    Best 4 track to play with?

    I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for a low-end 4track. I'm a basement player and I thought it might be fun to record myself/play over a bass track/etc. Just looking for something cheap, easy to use, and fun. Any suggestions? (BTW-I know nothing about recording-so use small words.)
  3. R

    Mesa Shinanigans-Trying to UN-mod

    Hi all-I'm new here but I have a question for you all. I recently bought a used Rect-o-verb V2 off was shipped to me and long story short it arrived in peices. Mostly just damage to the cabinet, but I took the chassis out to examine it and it sure looks like someone was in there...