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  1. F

    Lonestar Special channel switching with G-Major

    Supertgtr and CodeTitan Thanks for your replies. Do you take a TRS cable from the relay socket on the back of the G-Major to the footswitch socket on the front of the LoneStar or split it to the two mono switch sockets on the back of the LoneStar? Cheers Andy
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    Lonestar Special channel switching with G-Major

    Thanks, Udamann. I'll take your advice. Cheers Andy
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    footcontroller for gmajor

    Before moving to the US, I used an FCB1010 with a G-Major and a Marshall TSL100. I used the relay outputs on the G-Major and a cable I put together to switch the channels on the Marshall - each patch on the G-Major would also select one of the three channels on the amp. The FCB1010 never let me...
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    Hear my LoneStar Special in Action!!!

    Beautiful. What a tone! And great playing. I think the word is "tasteful" and nice to listen to.
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    Live Amp Sound- Need Advice

    Definitely agree that the smaller is better approach is the way to go. Mic your amp through the PA and let the sound man adjust and mix to get the overall sound right. I find that if my sound on stage is good (to my ears) I am more relaxed and enjoy myself during the gig. I don't think that...
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    I'm In A Bad Place Again. I Could Sell It All...

    When I had spare cash, I went through a load of gear. I had a very friendly music store that used to let me try gear out for a while before buying. Even so, I would buy amps and then a few months later trade them in for different ones. Looking back now, I wish I'd just taken a bit more time over...
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    Lonestar Special channel switching with G-Major

    Hi I'd like to use the relay outputs of my TC Electronic G-Major to switch the channel on my Lonestar Special. Can anyone direct me to a schematic or information on whether this is possible? I would search this board, but I need to have posted 5 times before I can search and this is only my...
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    Question: Which amp stand to buy for LSS and LSC

    Hi. I've used a Stagg stand for years: At one point, it was supporting a Roland VGA7 which is 83lb in weight. The only problem I had was lifting the thing on and off the stand.