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  1. K

    Post your rig - part 3

    added another cab :) I thnink I will probably move the Friedman 2x12, great sounding cab, but I don't need 2 V30 cabs not pictured is my Splawn 2X12 which I just gigged this weekend
  2. K

    Mesa Vertical 2X12 cab to go along with my Mark IV - good match?

    Well I scored one today for real cheap in mint condition with a brand new cover even :) Interesting comparison between the Friedman and the Mesa. the Friedman cab is much fuller sounding but the Mesa fills the room much more than the Friedman. the Marshall cab has Scumback M75/J75's in it and...
  3. K

    using 2 8 ohm cabs with my Mark IV question

    no mismatching info in the mark IV manual :(
  4. K

    using 2 8 ohm cabs with my Mark IV question

    there's no combo here it's a head with 2 2X12 cabs , thanks for the 16 ohm tip as I do have a 16 ohm 4X12 as well that I wouldn't mind running along with one of my 2X12's :)
  5. K

    using 2 8 ohm cabs with my Mark IV question

    probably obvious but if I want to plug a 2nd cab in I assume I use the 2 4 ohm inputs correct?
  6. K

    So I've got a mark IV "B" what's a Roadster give me if anything ?

    thanks Bandit :) This would primarily be used with my 7's, unless I can coax out some good 70's, 80's rock tones with it , then I'd used it with the "Dad Rock" band I play in. My Splawn has been my main gigging amp for the last 3 years, but I wouldn't mind mixing it up a bit. I used to have a...
  7. K

    Hello. Sort of new here and coming NAD

    Wow! that's an early one , would love to hear it
  8. K

    Mesa Vertical 2X12 cab to go along with my Mark IV - good match?

    I've been running my Mark IV through a Friedman 2X12 with V30's and it sounds great. I've always wondered how a vertical 2 X12 would sound especially on stage as I gig at least once a month. someone local to me has one in mint condition for $600.00 and I'm tempted but will it get me anything...
  9. K

    Mr Scary Mod

    Well David got back to me, the Mr Scary won't work in my Splawn either so I'll have to live vicariously through you guys LOL! "the Splawn uses a Fender style plate-fed tone stack instead of a cathode follower"
  10. K

    So I've got a mark IV "B" what's a Roadster give me if anything ?

    I've always wondered if I'd like a roadster, as I love my mark IV ,but does a roadster give me anything that I can't get out of my Mark IV?
  11. K

    Mr Scary Mod

    I wish there was room in my mark IV to fit one of these in. I'd love to see what it does in a Mark. I know people think marks have plenty of gain ,but I have to have my lead input gain )pulled) and drive both at 8 or over to get real saturation. I tend to dial them both down to 7 and then use a...
  12. K

    Famous Mesa Boogie Player Pictures

    Jeff Loomis of nevermore rocking out through his duel rectos
  13. K

    JP2C, 4CM FM3

    I had an Axe Fx II and could never get it to work as well as I wanted it to in $CM with a number of amps I switched the FX8MKII and have been gigging it for the last 3 years issue free.
  14. K

    So it appears that my MarkIV has 2 lead channels

    I've been playing around with my mark IV today. my Lead channel has no where near the volume of my R2 or R1 so I'm trying to figure out what's going on. it has gain etc. but if I run R2 up to 5 I have to dime the Lead master to keep up with it. BUT the other thing I realized to day is that...
  15. K

    Badlander mods?

    I love the concept of the Mr Scary mod, I wish I could fit one into my Mark IV, I'd love to hear R2 with anther gain stage (lead channel as well) If I ever do pick up a Roadster (been eyeing one for years) I will definitely get one and throw it in there
  16. K

    Should Mesa Have Called it Something Else?

    don't forget bands like Nevermore, Strapping Young Lad, Meshuggah, Dream Theater (at lest for TOT)Testament etc; that "vein" loved duel rectos Creed system of a Down, Cannibal Corpse, Blink 182. in the early 2000's rectos and 5150's were all over the place
  17. K

    Roadster chewing RFT.

    Hmmm Interesting, I have an RFT in the V3 of my Mark IV, no issues so far (I have a Mullard blackburn in V1) I have RFTs in the V2,V3 slots of My Splawn as well, I've never tried one in V1
  18. K

    NAD: Mesa Boogie Mark VII head. WOW

    not in a VII but in my IV I've been running V1 NOS Mullard blackburn V2 High gain JJ V3 NOs RFT V4 chinese square foil V5 Sovtek LPS I love how mine sounds the RFT is probably the Key , I have 2 in my Splawn and it sounds worlds better than the stock tubes it shipped with. V4 is the reverb send...
  19. K

    Picked up this Mark III amp this week - red stripe DG

    congrats!!! I used to have a red stripe III, it was a beast