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  1. P

    dusty speaker element

    Thanks guys! I though the speaker cone was the center of the speaker, but what do I know, I'm swedish. :D Paint brush shopping tomorrow for me. Roger
  2. P

    dusty speaker element

    I decided to pull my old mark III apart for some dust cleaning, and I discovered that parts of the speaker element were REALLY dusty. I guess noone had bothered with this since it was built in 1989. How would I clean this without destroying it? I guess putting it in water over night isn't going...
  3. P

    Can I pull tubes in my mark?

    I'm confused about this too. I have a Mark III and the manual says you can safely run only the outer tubes in class A mode and that way determine which pair is the culprit. Doesn't that mean you should be able to run only 2 tubes all the time? It'd be cheaper to change tubes :P