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  1. M

    M-Pulse 600

    Just a quick update. Im now hum free, for some reason. Turned up at practice on Friday and the drummer decided on a slightly different layout in the room, and that was about he only difference. I was all prepared to take the front off and replace the valves systematically, but couldnt find an...
  2. M

    noob cab building question

    Not that Im an expert in this field by any stretch, but I would say allow for extra. Amps can put out a peak wattage of at least double it's RMS rating, and the drivers rating will only be a measure of what it can handle before the voice coil melts or other damage occurs, on a long term basis...
  3. M

    M-Pulse 600

    Yeah, Bill really knows his onions! Ive nit been on many other self build sites but the ones I have don't seem anywhere near as comprehensive, though possibly sophisticated but as simple either. Bill's a definite authority on efficient sound managment! After uming and ahing for some time, and...
  4. M

    M-Pulse 600

    Thanks Boogafunk. On that basis Im putting it down to microphonic noise, as I tried various different leads the 1st night I got the amp when the noises 1st arose, directly into the amp as well, so that I could rule out anything on my pedal board and it still made the noise. My drummer's just got...
  5. M

    M-Pulse 600

    Thats cool Mike, no problem. Ill certainly let you know soon as I do what the problem is and how Ive got it fixed. Thanks Andy
  6. M

    M-Pulse 600

    Mike, would you know if (and I know I asked this in my original post) the hum Im getting, is that likey to be due to a bad preamp valve? The nasty carckle doesnt happen if I leave the lead alone now, but the hum at points will just keep getting louder and louder until I pull the lead out or...
  7. M

    M-Pulse 600

    ;) I went through an amp-test-driving period a couple years back, and never got to a m-pulse 600...I used a 400+ for a while and wasn't happy with it. Ashdown ABM really had a sound I liked but it broke twice and spent too much time in the shop. I settled on my GK 800RB and my 73 SVT for amps...
  8. M

    M-Pulse 600

    Thanks for the support Mike. This WILL be in fully functional operation one way or another. When it's working properly it sounds unbelievable. I've finally found an amp that I need very little tweaking on to get the sound I want, which leaves EQ left over to compensate for room/stage dynamics...
  9. M

    M-Pulse 600

    :lol: Fair enough! I think the general consensus there is that they're a waste of money and time unles you pay big money, which Im not able or preapred to do. Nice to hear from Bill Fitzmaurice on there too. Someone who's opinion I respect. What I am going to do at some point is upgrade to...
  10. M

    M-Pulse 600

    Just one more thing. Could anyone suggest if a power conditioner is liekly to stop or reduce the noise Im getting? Not really sure what one does and what would be best/afordabkle to get, but Im wondering if it's a power thing... Andy
  11. M

    M-Pulse 600

    Hi THB, thanks for the reply. I tried the contact cleaner tonight at practice and sadly it hasn't made it any better. There's still the horrbile crackle and the passsive input still doesnt wanna know. What's odd is the noise got more bearable throughout the course of rehearsal. It took about...
  12. M

    M-Pulse 600

    Hi, new to the forum so hi to all fellow Mesa users! Just bought myself a 2nd hand M-Pulse 600, and I think Ive finally arrived at the sound Ive always been looking for. These things are awesome, even the rest of the band think so too (a 1st for one of the guitarists to be happy with the...