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  1. M

    Dual Recto problems

    Sorry for the double post. I figured it out, it's either my FX pedal, or it's the number 4 preamp tube, because it stops doing it when either the FX channel is off, or the FX controller is off. now I have a valid question: will the ECC 83s in there work with the 12AX7s alright, or will it be...
  2. M

    Dual Recto problems

    It's been working GREAT since I replaced the power tubes, no noises, blown fuses, or other problems, until a couple of days ago. I put in the old 5U4GB recto tubes when I replaced the power tubes, as advised. What do rectifier tubes do when they start going bad? Sometimes my amp makes a slight...
  3. M

    Dual Recto problems

    no kidding. I just wish I had another $142 to spend on recto and pre tubes (tax is a killer here) and I wish the previous owner had just stuck with mesas... oh well. with mesa, it's hard to beat $1700 for both amp and cab. :wink: I only have 3 of the original pre tubes, and both recto tubes...
  4. M

    Dual Recto problems

    Sorry for the double post, I forgot to mention that the JJ recto tubes in it now are GZ 34 tubes, not 5U4GZ. Should I switch back to the stock mesas before using it in tube rectifier mode?
  5. M

    Dual Recto problems

    Thanks, that helps a ton. I plan on getting my power tubes by the end of the week, so I'll post if it's just the power tubes or if it's the recto/pre tubes too. thanks again! :D
  6. M

    Dual Recto problems

    Alright, newb question here. Ok, I know the bias only matters on the power tubes. But when I replace them, should I go ahead and get the rectifier tubes as well, or will the JJs be fine in there? What about preamp tubes? will everything work alright with just new power tubes, or will that...
  7. M

    Dual Recto problems

    ok, thanks guys. I'll do that as soon as I can. I'll probably have a tech look at the insides anyway just be sure there aren't any other problems. I figured the tubes were the problems. Thanks again!
  8. M

    Dual Recto problems

    Yes, I did pull a rectifier tube. No, I didn't change the load to the 4 ohm jack. Yes, I tried it with the original mesa power tubes, but they probably have more hours than these do.
  9. M

    Dual Recto problems

    Hey guys, I'm new here. I bought a Dual Rectifier from a guy in Atlanta used. He put JJ tubes in, but wasn't sure of the time on them. The first thing that happened upon turning it on at home was a blown fuse. I think I forgot to plug in the cab though. I replaced it and didn't have a single...