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The Boogie Board

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  1. R

    What would you do with 2400 US dollars??

    2400? id save up till i had 2700 and buy the flame top or quilted, whatever it is - (i try not to look at it, thus suppressing the urge to buy one :) ) - ebmm jp6 in the bahama burst. no questions asked.
  2. R

    New Guy with rectoverb combo....

    i think you need to use more presence on both settings based on what you posted above. that will certainly help make your cleans less muddy. i also dont like alot of mids. what kind of gain are you going for? death metal? you should be making alot of gain off that. i dont use active...
  3. R

    New Guy with rectoverb combo....

    heya, been reading these forums for about a year and finally got around to posting.. as for your amp, you should be getting some killer sounds out of it, even at bedroom levels. i have a rectoverb combo as well, and the settings i have mine set at right now are: ch 1: clean, gain: 11:00...