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  1. A

    PICTURES! Can you help identify?

    I do think the amp has been rode hard ;) I also think at some point there may have been some type of soda or something in there :( The NICE thing is that it sounds GREAT i like this amp a ton so i dont think it was hurt just USED HARD! I wish my tubes were connected to the chasis like that :(...
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    PICTURES! Can you help identify?

    think the stuff is just rust.... yeah i have had experience with el84s running hot in every amp i tried em in... i may contact mesa and find out how to get it all clean and purty again!
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    PICTURES! Can you help identify?

    That is the question to be answered here.... At mesa they really didnt know :( But I have more info now so maybe they can help more! With the board being dated 1986, I bet this was a Caliber that they made into a Caliber + I was hoping someone would recognize some names! I am real interested...
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    PICTURES! Can you help identify?

    Here is some inside pictures of my 50 Caliber + I was wondering if I could get some help identifying names, or anything! Thanks!! Still do not know if i should use 5 12AX7 or 4 12AX7, 1 12AT7 like a standard 50 Caliber +, Mesa wasn't much help :( Here are some pics: hard to read but...
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    Mark 1 Re-Issue Settings?

    Hey what are some settings you guys use on your mark 1s? Santana stuff SRV Stuff More 70s Classic rock stuff can it do all of these? Just looking for some good general, good sounding settings! I have an Agile (Les Paul) with Alnico II humbuckers and a 1972 MIJ strat with Custom Shop 69s. THANKS!
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    TONE TONE TONE! Where have I been?

    i could forsee a AB switch and then using the mark 1 for a good nice clean sound with a slight bit of distortion, i fiddled with the knobs and got a good break up but not a metal type thing then i could use the other amp, the 50 cal + because i can get a good crunchy sound out of it! i guess a...
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    TONE TONE TONE! Where have I been?

    got the mark 1 it is a lot more of a classic rock kinda amp but man with it on 60 watts and the tweed switch on, that thing will out fender a fender hehe really good stuff, i wish i woulda bought a mesa a long time ago!!!
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    50 Caliber + w/ Odd Problem!

    shane and i live next to each other and work together. this is indeed odd, i was there today and his amp just like cuts out, like sorta as if you were playing it then boom you drop one of the volumes all the way down or something.... i dont know maybe we should record it doing this and u guys...
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    50 Caliber + WITH EL84s! - NEWBIE HELP!

    Ohhh no, sorry, I was saying, I guess the EL84 in general makes a big sound difference, some were saying their's sounded dark etc... I am getting just a Mark 1 Reissue Head, the one they have been making a few years now. It is the standard, reverb, 100/60, variac etc. looking forward to it!!
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    50 Caliber + WITH EL84s! - NEWBIE HELP!

    Nah no tubes yet. I have been using it and watching it close and they are all glowing evenly, no snapping, popping, etc so I am going to leave these a bit, the thing is I am getting a Mark 1 Reissue head and cab today soooooo.... saving a little cash would be ok :)
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    50 Caliber + WITH EL84s! - NEWBIE HELP!

    I guess these EL84s reall do make a big difference?!? I have been playing my Agile 2800 and my Highway 1 strat and my 1985 MIJ 1972 reissue strat thru this thing and all sound great!
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    50 Caliber + WITH EL84s! - NEWBIE HELP!

    I don't know man, maybe I dont know anything about tone but I am totally happy. I dont really try to do the metallica or megadeth thing or whatever with it, I get a nice clean distortion that isn't all muddy sounding and overall I am very very happy with the amp's sound. But again maybe I just...
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    50 Caliber + WITH EL84s! - NEWBIE HELP!

    Thanks man after talking to mesa, i have a 1988ish 50 caliber + it seems that the + signifies that i have a eq, which i do the diff between 50 cal and 50 cal + being the eq the mesa guys spoke pretty highly of the el84 version, and i love it! aaron
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    TONE TONE TONE! Where have I been?

    The mark 1 is a reissue in pretty much pristine condition! it is local i am so looking forward to it, i think the tone is easy to dial in, i was playing lenny with the 50 caliber + last night and man it was really heaven!
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    TONE TONE TONE! Where have I been?

    I got a 50 caliber +, I know that it aint mesa's top of the line but man oh man does this thing sound so so so good! I do not know why I had not bought a mesa sooner! I am supposed to pickup a Mark 1 Head and 1X12 Cab Today!
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    What Tube Brand?

    ahhhh i think u mean NOS? i am not going NOS hehe dude i aint spending the same amount on tubes that i spent on the amp :)
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    What Tube Brand?

    zepman thanks for replying i found it does take 4 EL84 and 5 12AX7 according to the mesa guys. if i get jjs i am going to get them from so i am guessing that is the current models? i just cant spend the $120+ that mesa wants for mesa tubes :(
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    What Tube Brand?

    Well I had posted about my 50 Caliber + and really got no response, I was going to try to ask this. What brand tubes would you recommend in the amp? I hear eurotubes is good, they use JJ but I am open for suggestions! Aaron
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    50 Caliber + WITH EL84s! - NEWBIE HELP!

    Hello all, I hope this is the right place, I think this thing is a 1991 or older. It is a 50 Caliber + with EL84s and it sounds SWEET, but i just got it and the tubes are all kinds of different ones and i want a good set. I want to get em from Bob ant Eurotubes but I do not know what to get, he...