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  1. J

    Dual Rectifier and pedal boards... Help

    I have a Dual Rectifier and a 4X12 Rectifier cab and would like to start using some effects. Can anyone share what kind of luck they have had using a pedal board like a Boss ME-50 of something similar? I don't want to make my amp sound too digital. I like to play Tool, Van Halen, Pink Floyd and...
  2. J

    WTB Mesa rectifier 4X12 top cab

    KY may be a little farther than I want to go. Thanks anyway
  3. J

    WTB Mesa rectifier 4X12 top cab

    Anyone in Illinois, I live in Peoria, have a mint to near mint Rectifier 4X12 top cab. I often travel to Chicago and can meet somewhere. May be interested in a 2X12 if in perfect condition and the price is right. J.D.