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The Boogie Board

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  1. A

    Drinks anyone?

    QFT Nice beer can really hit the spot sometimes though. I really like Troeg's Troegenator and Stone Brewery's Stone IPA.
  2. A

    WTB: Mark IVB Head

    Looking for a Mark IV head, preferably a B, long or short. $1400 shipped is my final offer and you must have some sort of references/proof you aren't going to try to steal my money.
  3. A

    Mark III head dimensions=Mark IV head dimensions?

    Would a Mark III head cabinet fit a Mark IV chassis inside? Or is the Mark IV slightly bigger? If anyone has the dimensions of the Mark III head cab that will also help. Also, the Mark III head was only made in long versions, correct? Or were there short versions as well?
  4. A

    WTB any Mark IV head

    I'm in the market for any Mark IV head, long, short, A, B, pink, green, it doesn't matter. Depending on the condition and whether or not you have the footswitch I am looking to pay around $1200. I'm in central NJ so if you are anywhere within driving distance I would like to come and check it...
  5. A

    Using G Major with Triaxis...

    I'm currently running a Triaxis > 2:90 and I want to add an effects unit. I've all but decided on the TC electronic G major, but I need to know; how should I hook up the G Major so that there is minimal tone coloration? Or will the G Major noticably affect my tone no matter what I do? I have...