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The Boogie Board

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  1. F

    My Boogie just!

    Hi Sanchez, I am from Singapore. Guys, i took it to an amp tech someone recommeneded me. Its a really small country and we don't have much techs around. It seems that he told me its defintiely a transformer problem. He took out the chassis for me and the board seems fine. No burns or anything...
  2. F

    My Boogie just!

    Thanks for the reply. I have taken out all the preamp tubes and they seem fine. The power tubes look good too and the fuse is also fine. I have asked around most of them said it was a transformer problem. Should the worst happen...i will have to send my amp back to mesa and it will cost me...
  3. F

    My Boogie just!

    My boogie f-30 just died about 10 minutes ago and i am at a total lost of what to do. I am not living in the u.s.a and i can't ship it back to mesa. I was just practicing and i take good care of my amp. It has been totally problem for past 4 mths...and suddenly i hear this sound....look...
  4. F

    New boogie user and a question on tube change.

    Hey guys, thanks for the quick reply and for the help. I'll stick with my current stock tubes for now and take more time to understand my amp and its controls. The mesa tone controls really work differently from other amps i have owned before. The distortion channel plus the...
  5. F

    New boogie user and a question on tube change.

    Hi guys, I have posted sometime back before and asked around abit for some info between a nomad 45 and an f-30. I went with the f-30 instead. Took me quite a while, since there was a big guitar shop sale and i almost bought a peavey ultra tube for about $300. I tried a carvin...
  6. F

    Going to get a boogie need some advice!!!

    Yup they are. To Asia actually.
  7. F

    Going to get a boogie need some advice!!!

    I am really gonna have to think hard about this one. I have been quoted very different shipping rates so far. The nomad is 750 with a 250 shipping cost. The f-30 is about 700...with a 400 shipping cost. Thats really alot. Perhaps i have to pay for the boxes and packaging etc...cause when i...
  8. F

    Going to get a boogie need some advice!!!

    Thanks for the replies guys. It was definitely a big help. Yeah i have considered the rect-o-verb too, but the weight factor is really a big one. I have found a nomad 45 selling for $750, its in mint condition and a f-30 selling for around the same price too. I presume both are second hand but...
  9. F

    Going to get a boogie need some advice!!!

    Hi everyone, I have been lurking for a while and reading up on some useful information here. I have basically narrowed down my choices to these 2 boogie choices. A nomad 45 or the f-30 r 50. I am in a rock band that covers mostly stuff like Mr Big...