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  1. L

    1984 IIC+ HRG tube selection

    This is what I do, but mine are 60w. I wanted them to sound different so tubed them different. The July one is has more of a high mids, extended high freq character because of the Miniwatt and Sylvania tubes in the lead gain stages, vs the Mullards in the June one - more low mids focused, and...
  2. L

    Brown Box users

    I have the Brown Box, and I find I like using a good Variac better. The Brown Box works, but it feels clunky with the stepped positions. You can wrangle your voltage to the right place though. I find my Boogies really like 116-117V. These are not regulators, they just adjust the voltage...
  3. L

    Mark IIc+ with most “sparkle”? (SR? HRG? …)

    My July 1984 SRX has more sparkle than my June 1984 SRG. Maybe it's the X62 PT, maybe it's the lack of EQ. Maybe it's because I put a Sylvania Long Black Plate and a Philips Herleen ECC83 in the 1st and 2nd lead gain stages. The Herleen ECC83s came in old Voxes, and Brian May's favorite tube...
  4. L

    Question about export transformer (both x101 & x62) plate voltages

    My July 1984 Mark IIC+ SRX with the X62 PT has a plate voltage of 453V. Screen Voltage is 452V. Grid voltage is -45.4V, Plate Current 0.038A per Sylvania Single Getter early 70s 6L6 and Plate Dissipation is 17.2W My March 1987 Mark III SX with the same IIC+-era x62 has a plate voltage of 463V...
  5. L

    Mesa Mark IIC+ and ME PMEQ eq

    I have always loved the old Boss GE-10. I put it in the loop on my Marks and out in front of my Marshall. But I am tempted by this. I just think with a para I will spend too much time fiddling ans not enough time playing.
  6. L

    Mesa Mark IIC++ reissue confirmed

    The original IIC+s varied some in how much gain they had even for the same spec. I've never played a C++ so not sure if the ones with more gain got that far.
  7. L

    The price of Mark series amps these days. thoughts?

    If you know what you are looking for, just save the search on EBay and Reverb. Deals do come up. And I like a Boss GE-10 in the loop vs the onboard EQ, so I look for non GEQ models and can give or take reverb. But I want the export trannie, and I don’t need 100 watts. So I snagged a IIC+...
  8. L

    IIc+ 60w: regular vs. export (x62) PT?

    Good luck! I had a March 1985 DRGX combo. but once I got a 60W I haven't looked back.
  9. L

    IIc+ 60w: regular vs. export (x62) PT?

    I think you are not hearing things. To me the X62 adds some punch and broadens the EQ. It is a huge transformer. I have a June 1984 IIC+ SRG Combo and a July IIC+ 1984 SRX Head.. I also have a Mk III Red Stripe SX Combo with a leftover x62. I have the Eminence MS12 "jouster" speaker in...
  10. L

    Mark III red stripe 60 watt combo non reverb- The Ultimate Metallica Tone

    I have a 60W Red Stripe Export non reverb non GEQ incoming. Plan is to put an old Boss 10 Band GEQ in the loop. My main amp is a June 84 60W IIC+ SRG- my daily player and favorite amp ever. Also had a 3/85 DRGX, They both went to Mesa for service by MB a some years back. The 60W, gigged its...
  11. L

    SOLD Mesa Boogie Black Shadow MS-12 Eminence Speaker 1980s

    8 ohms, 150W Remarkably perfect condition for a 35 year old speaker. Was OEM speaker for Mesa Mark II series amps in the late 70s to mid 80s. Mesa Boogie recommended the EVM for country and jazz players, and the stock MS-12 for blues and rock players due to more color in the low mids. SOLD
  12. L

    Mark IIC+ 60 Watt

    Very nice. I have a 60W DRG non-export Combos - much sweeter sounding with better cleans and more versatile distortion than the Simul DRGX I had. I think these 60W DGs and DRGs are real bargains in the amp world - remarkable sound. Definitely the sound suffers in the combo form - best going to a...
  13. L

    no longer for sale

    I'm local to Mesa, and I've had a few of these. Had one that needed to be recapped. If they are played a lot - and this one was gigged regularly by a jazz musician for most of its life - my understanding is the caps can be good, just like with some old Fender and Marshall amps. In particular...
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    no longer for sale

    You would think, but although it does not look it, it was regularly gigged and played. Mike B tested it all out last year and said it didnt need it, everything is still in great shape.
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    no longer for sale

    IIC+ no longer for sale
  16. L

    June 1984 IIC+ tube

    Hi there, I have a well-maintained IIC+ 60W Reverb Combo, I'm the second owner. It has always had this tube in the tube retainer on the inside wall of the cabinet - a spare tube I'm sure. I just sent the chassis in for a pot cleaning and service, so I unpinned the tube to take a look. For all I...
  17. L

    WTB: Mesa Boogie Royal Atlantic 1x12 27

    I'm looking for a Mesa Boogie Royal Atlantic 1x12 27" wide version in good condition. Price will depend on condition, but I'm not terribly price sensitive within reason, and I won't lowball you.
  18. L

    Mark IIB on CL? Looks like a C+

    Isn't that a complete steal? Why anyone would buy any boutique amp today for more than that is beyond me. I just liquidated a ton of stuff, but my nearly identical IIC+ SRG Combo is my keeper til death do us part. $2500 has me gassing for something I already have, badly. Really nice seller -...