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  1. T

    IV v.s. III

    I prefer the IV. Smoother and more refined.
  2. T

    Triaxis Sound Issues

    Most caps don't last 20 years in any electrical device. Being a bit hard on Mesa aren't you?
  3. T

    Too Much?

    I still can see your carpet/rug, buy more!!! :D
  4. T

    A super cool guitar rig, with vintage Mesa Boogie equiptment

    All you need from that auction is the triaxis, tc gforce, and 2:90 with a rack to transport it in and maybe an expression pedal. That rig would sound excellent for ALL STYLES of music be it rock, metal, country, jazz etc.. nowhere near $20k. More like $2500 used.
  5. T

    Do you name your guitars?

    Only my Les Paul has a nickname, since it previously belonged to a well known guitarist and all my friends refer to it as "The Sykes".
  6. T

    Best Replacement Guitarist?

    Yes. Uli also played on Taken By Force, Fly to the Rainbow, In Trance, and Tokyo Tapes. He is one incredible musician.
  7. T

    Discovered April Wine ... Wow

    Nice! Very talented musician.
  8. T

    Running a recto 2/100 in mono.....

    From the 2:100's manual: The amplifier is stereo, offering two separate channels of amplification. If you wish to use only one of its channels, it is neces- sary to: 1 ) Make sure a speaker (or load resistor) remains con- nected to a speaker jack on both channels, including the unused one; OR...
  9. T

    Dead triaxis - first stage no sound!

    My advice is to call Mesa. They are the ones that have the required knowledge to troubleshoot the unit. Good luck.
  10. T

    Discovered April Wine ... Wow

    The album 'Nature of the Beast' is the best by April Wine. Myles Goodwyn is a great songwriter.
  11. T

    Best Replacement Guitarist?

    Ulrich Roth for Michael Schenker in the Scorpions, then Matthias Jabs for Ulrich Roth, then Michael Schenker for Matthias Jabs, then finally Matthias for Michael Schenker....oh I am so confused now...all three great replacements for the Scorpions at one time or another.
  12. T

    Dialing a Mark V lead channel to Mark IV

    I'm not nostalgic about my MKIV. I tried the MKV numerous times and still prefer the IV's lead channel to the V's lead channel. The IV's lead channel is more versatile and organic sounding to me due to not having gain fixed at 7.5 and the push pull options. I think the V's channels 1 & 2 are...
  13. T

    My first instrumental rock song + Mark IV test!

    You have talent! Really like the melodic sense and guitar harmonies.
  14. T

    % of tone - hands vs. rig.

    The gear is what makes the nuances created by the hands and brains of players special. Crappy sounding and incorrectly set up gear is not inspiring to the experienced and talented player. Sure I can sound like myself identity wise with a subpar amp and guitar, but it's not going to sound the way...
  15. T

    Preferred EL34s for the Mark III?

    I use some of the old Svetlana EL34's in my MKIV that sound great. Should sound good in a MKIII.
  16. T

    No gain on Lead Channel.

    When I bought my MKIVB new, there was no distortion using the lead channel, only clean sound when in Tweed. Are you using full power or tweed?? I had to try two preamp tubes before there was distortion.
  17. T

    What was your first tube amp?

    1976 Marshall JMP MKII.
  18. T

    Problem with Triaxis Lead One Red

    Sounds like a possible LDR issue. My LD1 Red had very faint volume/distortion and slowly died, followed by the other modes on LD 1. Sent to Mesa, they fixed a dead LDR and now it works great. This along with the ribbon cables failing is a very frequent problem with the Triaxis.
  19. T

    Need Help

    The Road King and Triaxis sound dissimilar. The RK has a more modern distortion sound and the Triaxis is the older, Mark series sound. Best to try out the Triaxis first if you're coming from a RK to see if you like it. I disliked the RK distortion when I tried it, not surprisingly I'm a Mark...
  20. T

    Simul-Class Crunch Berries

    Very nice amp. I'm always willing to buy just in case. :mrgreen: