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  1. M

    Modified my Formula Preamp

    Great thanks a lot that realy helps because there is no way I can get that sound with this unit so it must be defective. Iether way I way let you know. Thanks again for your time.
  2. M

    Modified my Formula Preamp

    Hi thanks again and I will try those things but what kind of music do you play if you don't mind me asking just so I can use it as a referance and I will let you know the results when I try them. Thanks again.
  3. M

    Modified my Formula Preamp

    Hey man thanks a lot, I did however change the tubes in it but still the same thing and I will try it running direct into the power amp but I kind of did that when I got I ran it direct into a small combo amp to here it before I brought it to my jam space and put it in my rig and still it was...
  4. M

    Modified my Formula Preamp

    Hi guys I just bought a formula pre on ebay and I think there is something wrong with it as I can't seem to get enough gain out of it and it is realy flubby sounding (not tight) some people are saying they use it for cover bands and they are playing mettalica and stuff like that but there is no...