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  1. His Emissary

    Tube Screamer into a Quad?

    Anybody done this? I just got my Quad, love the tone and the only things I can imagine sweetening it any further would be a Keeley modded TS-808 and perhaps a Keeley Compressor. Would be grateful for anyone's experience or advice.
  2. His Emissary

    Mesa quad

    Hey guys, my Quad will be arriving Friday and I must admit, I'm quite the dunce when it comes to dialing in that perfect sound. I play metal of the most crushing variety and would be very grateful if any fellow hessians would share some settings with me. Also, I am curious if it would be to my...
  3. His Emissary

    Buying a 7 String

    love my neckthru USA Warlock. highly recommended (if you're a true hessian) if you're willing to shell out the $$$. otherwise, those LTD's are awesome if you switch out the crappy pickups.
  4. His Emissary

    WTB: Mesa Quad

    Just got my student loan check and I'm dying for a Quad to compliment my Simul:295 power amp. Sonic devastation awaits. please contact me at [email protected]