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The Boogie Board

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  1. S

    My New MKIV!

    After many many months it's finally arrived, and as you all know, holy crap its freaking loud. Even the store owner was excited about opening the just arrived box from boogie country. I literally took it straight into band rehearsal and while the drummer was setting up his kit, I tweaked some...
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    The Mark IV has Landed!

    that sounds and looks soooooooo awesome. i'm 10 days away from mine. its so close i can taste it! congrats dude!
  3. S

    Mark IV Turnaround time

    i've been waiting since June 02 argh!
  4. S

    Mark IV Arrived!!! (finally)

    woooo congrats! i'm still waiting for mine, its been aaaaggeess. but it'll hopefully be here before the end of the month. woooooo!
  5. S

    The Mark IV thread....!!

    i still got 6 weeks wait on my mark IV. my patience is being tested big time!
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    Waiting for my Mark IV sucks

    Thanks Russ, luckily I have the patience of a god. Or I'd be going insane right now. I'll give the practice amp a go! I'm sure mesa cabs would make anything sound good
  7. S

    Waiting for my Mark IV sucks

    Hey Everyone, Just thought I'd post to say I'm going to be the proud owner of a Mark IV in a couple of months, I've put a deposit down, which covered the 1x12 Compact Open Back Cabinet (which I took home wooo!) and now all thats left is to wait 3 months for the shipment to come in from the...
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    Fender FrontMan Amp into a recto cab?

    thanks guys, i'm contemplating buying the cab before the mark iv because, the cabs are easier to find.
  9. S

    Fender FrontMan Amp into a recto cab?

    Hey guys, I have a tiny 15watt fender frontman amp, which has a 8 ohm min ext speaker option. just wondering if I bought a 2x12 recto cabinet, would I be able to plug my tiny bedroom blaster into it? It'll just be a temporary setup as I'll be buying a mark IV (once i test it out of course) but...
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    Buying off ebay

    Thanks again everybody!
  11. S

    Buying off ebay

    thanks everyone, keep those suggestions coming!
  12. S

    Buying off ebay

    Hi all, Any suggestions about questions or anything in general about buying mesa boogies off ebay? Something I should be on the look out for? Thanks in advance D
  13. S

    Boogie Head Question

    thanks for the info, im new to this board so apologies if i post in the wrong section
  14. S

    Boogie Head Question

    Hey, I'm going to buy a mesa/boogie in the new month or two and was wondering what the difference between a dual rectifier head and a solo 50 head would be? Also the F30 short chassis head as well. I'm pretty new to the whole head and cabinet side of amps. Any info would be appreciated. thanks!