So, my single recto footswitch isn't working properly. The footswitch is working for the solo function, but I can't get it to work for channel switching. Anyone had this problem, or know what I may be doing wrong?
I am looking for a recto 4x12 cabinet with v30 speakers. Standard or traditional, it doesn't matter as long as the cab is in decent condition and the speakers work.
I'm thinking about buying a Soldano cab to go with my single rectifier. Its a 16 ohm cab though, and my recto only has speaker outputs for 4 ohms or 8 ohms. would I hook up a 16 ohm cab?
I am considering buying a mesa single rec. Before I buy it, I want to find out what the general likes/dislikes are from current single recto owners. Anybody got an opinion or a review for me?