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  1. N


    thanks, i'll give that a try. right now they're not on the same strip.
  2. N

    volume pedals

    thanks a lot!
  3. N


    Hey, I've got a Boss DD5 in the FX loop and I get this horrible 'droaning cycle' sound. It stops as soon as I turn off the DD5. I can also stop it if the volume is lower on the pedal or mix level. The problem is its too low. I tried putting in front of the gain but it turns my tone to trash...
  4. N

    volume pedals

    I've got a rectoverb II, is there any way to get the volume pedal after the gain stage? thanks in advance!!!
  5. N

    Effects Loop Noise

    I'm also having a problem with the effects loop but its a little different. I don't get the nasty hum. I have a DD5 in the loop and if I have it on but I'm not playing for a second it starts to get the 'cycled hum'. It stops as soon as I turn the pedal off but its really annoying. Any advice...