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  1. B

    Tremoverb/Rectifier vintages: pointed knobs etc

    I bought Tremoverb new in 1993 and the knobs were chrome metal, like the knobs on a Telecaster. Maybe it is a later model.
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    Please help me... F30 owner need help dialing in tones.

    On the dirty channel try less pre amp gain & turning up the master. For the amp to sound it's best, the power amp should be working, otherwise the amp will sound "choked". The idea of starting with the tone knobs at 12:00 is a great idea....good luck, there is a bunch of good tones in that amp...
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    Lonestar Special owners..Please advise.

    Neil young plays through an ancient Fender Deluxe if my memory serves me.
  4. B

    Tube Help for Tube newb

    Those are tube covers...there are 12 AX7 preamp tubes inside them. If you push the covers in gently and give them a little turn they will come of & the tubes will be exposed. There are no silly questions and I'm sure there are more knowledgable folks here who could help you better. Good Luck.....Joe
  5. B

    F-30 Gain Question

    Ken, I just wanted to thank you for all the help. I'm in the process of modding a Fender Blues JR. until I can swap the F-30 for a Blue Angel or something similar. Thanks again.....Joe
  6. B

    F-30 Gain Question

    I finally located my manual and V1,V2, affect both the clean and lead channels. I think I'll start using my Bluesdriver & Sparkle Drive in front of the amp. I think I'll eventually go to a different amp. Thanks for all the help guys....Joe :)
  7. B

    F-30 Gain Question

    I might try a 12 AU7 but I think it might make the clean channel too clean. I may have to go to a different amp to achieve the tone I am after. The lead channel on the F-30 is very"shred" sounding and I think I may ruin the clean channel tone trying to get the lead channel in the ballpark...
  8. B

    F-30 Gain Question

    Thanks, the pull is a bright switch which does add gain but is a little "ice pick" sounding. I was hoping maybe there is a mod or something that would help me get a nice soft clipped tone on the clean channel and also let the lead channel be a boost with just a little more gain & volume. I'm a...
  9. B

    F-30 Gain Question

    How do you get the lead channel to have less gain? The clean channel won't dirty up enough and the lead channel has too much gain. I have a 12AT7 in V-1 and it sounds better but, the lead channel still doesn't have a lot of adjustment as far as a medium gain tone. I'm playing a Strat & Tele...