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  1. M

    Petrucci settings for Mark IV?

    Wow, cool stuff. I'm having trouble making out where the knobs are set at though. And how do I know whether to pull some of the knobs on the MK IV to the "out" position or not?
  2. M

    Petrucci settings for Mark IV?

    Does anybody have the John Petrucci settings for the Mark IV? I know that they've been floating around this forum before, and I did a search but I couldn't find anything. Can somebody please help me out? Thanks. 8)
  3. M

    FU-3 switch question

    Hi, I'm a new user to Mesa/Boogie. I recently acquired a Mark IV shorthead from a close friend that passed on. I'm having a problem with the FU-3 switch that came with it. The jack on it seems to be like an lxr jack, but with five holes instead of three. I can't find any input on the back of the...