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  1. P

    Raodster vs. Road King II

    I'm digging on the roadster combo but I'm also considering moving up to the Road King II head with the 2x12 cab. Progressive Linkage is a very cool feature on top of that you can assign different cabs per channel. The road king cab has both v30 (closed) and c90 (open) so not only do you get...
  2. P

    Roadster ch 3 & 4 decay rate

    no other pedals in the chain. the reason I got the boogie was so that I could avoid using pedals... I will do that. I'm gonna see about swapping out the 6L6 with EL34 as well. Also, swapping the 12ax7s around with a new set of tubes... Or I may return it and get the dual recto solo head...
  3. P

    Roadster ch 3 & 4 decay rate

    Yes the notes choke off too fast. Jem 7V with stock Dimarzio Evolution pickups. Master "ouput" volume is at 10:00. maybe I should put it to 12:00 and um...wear ear plugs? :)
  4. P

    Roadster ch 3 & 4 decay rate

    Hi All, I know the Roadster/Roadking are voiced differently than the Dual Rec Solo and Rectoverb. It seems to me that the on channel 3 and 4, while more dynamic, the sound decays a lot faster than the Dual Rec Solo and Rectoverb. Here is my setting: Bold 50W Diode Modern FX on Gain: 2:30...
  5. P

    Is Mesa Boogie closed for the holidays??

    they're not closed...I just got off the phone with Chris at Mesa Boogie...
  6. P

    Looking to buy a Roadster...questions

    oh yeah! a rip yer face off type of difference.
  7. P

    Looking to buy a Roadster...questions

    I did. Thanks everyone for the help and providing settings!!!
  8. P

    Looking to buy a Roadster...questions

    well, hopefully my roadster 2x12 combo should be here in the next few days from the factory warehouse. ^_^
  9. P

    Looking to buy a Roadster...questions

    awesome. will try that setting too!!
  10. P

    Looking to buy a Roadster...questions

    Playtpus! ty! I'm gonna try that. again I'm a n00b when it comes to Mesas since I've mainly dealt with distortion from pedals (DS-1, MT-2) and multifx units (GT-5).
  11. P

    Looking to buy a Roadster...questions

    I'm a big fan of OS X as well :) As far as dialing in tones on a mesa, I set it up as how I setup the rectoverb and dual rectifier solos in the past. This is a ballpark setting: Channel 4: Gain: ~ 3 o'clock Treb: ~ 2 o'clock Mid: ~ 9 o'lock Bass: ~ 3 o'clock Master: 9-10 o'clock Bold 100W...
  12. P

    Looking to buy a Roadster...questions

    Hi Platypus, Thanks for responding so quick. Yes psychogentoo is a linux reference. I'm a big fan of Gentoo Linux. ^_^ I did call Mesa this morning to if I played through had a bad preamp tube...he wasn't sure but he did state that the Roadster is voiced differently (warmer than the DR...
  13. P

    Looking to buy a Roadster...questions

    Hi All, I'm in the market for a new amp. The Roadster combo actually caught my eye and in reading the wonderful reviews of them from this board and other online resources, I decided to try it out at a local dealer. The channel 1 and 2 sounded awesome however I was disappointed at the sound I...