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  1. G

    LSC/LSS owners; are you happy with channel2?Want to fix it?

    Just do what I did...cut your losses and go with another amp. I couldn't get my LSS to sound like I wanted it to. I also had a matching 410 cab which helped a bit. Anyway, I traded my rig + a few bucks for a '06 Bogner Shiva. Oh yeah.... Guess I'm outta the Mesa club?
  2. G

    Mesa offered a mod to fix blowing 5y3 problem

    I had the same problem with the rectifier tubes popping. Blew a Mesa and a NOS. Sent it to CA..cost about $25 via UPS and they had it back to me in 8 days. No receipt, no charge, no return shipping. Excellent customer service IMHO. Greg Austin, TX