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  1. S

    Mark Five Variac Power and EL34 Power Tubes

    You still using EL34s ? Also I will give those settings a try. Looks like all of your volume settings would work for me, without an attenuator I have a difficult time getting the sound I want at lower levels.
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    Who is running EL34s in their V:90s?

    Great info and I really appreciate it! I agree the JJ 6V6s would probably be the best to handle the voltages. Also as you referenced EL34s do rob much of the chime on the clean settings so I am looking forward to trying your power tube changes. Besides the speaker change you recommended some...
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    Who is running EL34s in their V:90s?

    Thanks again! I look forward to when you have time to detail your changes so that I and others here may finally have resolution to some or all of the issues with the V.
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    Who is running EL34s in their V:90s?

    Hey dude I am very interested in buying the tubes and trying this. I bought my V new in 2010 and it has the icepick some others have experienced. The closest I have come to make my amp useable is running a AT7 in V4 and SED EL34s for the outputs. Could you describe to me what the 5881/6V6 combo...
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    Mark V 90 watt tube rolling

    Exactly the same experience with my May of 2010 V90 I purchased new in that year. Two years ago I gave up and have been extremely happy with my Kemper Stage. I keep lurking around here in case someone finally discovers a "fix" for my V that resides in my closet. I purchased a new S.O.B. in 1980...
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    Mark V 90 watt tube rolling

    If you have time would you mind sharing all of your 2C+ settings? I have the MXR 6 band I purchased in the late 70s and never thought about putting that in the loop because as you stated it is not all that great. I have a Mark V that I purchased new in 2010 and even after installing EL34s and...
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    Settings to remove "flubbiness" in Channel 2?

    The closest I can get to my Marshall JCM800 is to run EL34s using the Mark's channel 2 Crunch setting. Still a different beast but it seems closer to a "Marshall" sound. To me there is a little trade off though in that I lose a little "sparkle" in channel 1 not having 6L6s.
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    Thanks, by the way those are the same two positions I prefer.
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    Yes sir, I also now use the loop with AT7s. It has been long while since you contributed to the AT7 usage thread which I very much appreciated, would you mind telling me what tube position(s) you have settled on after all this time? Thanks!
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    I don't love my Mark V

    An outdated attenuator by today's standard. It was a kit of Ted Weber's Mass 100.
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    I don't love my Mark V

    I have finally settled in on the following for my studio use, I'm not saying anyone else would like these: 12AT7 in V4, V6, and V7 ( Sovtek long plates in all of the other preamp tube locations) EL34 outputs (I lean towards a slight Marshall sound) FX loop is rather high at 2:00 with my...
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    APEMAN, this is very interesting. Just to make sure are you talking about the ferrite bead which is the first component in the circuit (direct inline from the input jack to pin 2 of the first tube V1A)? I had never paid much attention to that, I assume it is there to attenuate high-frequency...
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    Mesa MarkV / Saturation 'mod'

    EXACTLY I purchased mine new in 2010 and it definitely has the ice pick which the AT7s have negated somewhat but I am very, very disappointed that Mesa has not made any effort to provide some kind of path for me to have as good an amp as the newer models! Circuit revision details should be...
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    Mesa MarkV / Saturation 'mod'

    Sorry guys but I am a little confused. I see posts referencing tubes V6 and V7 as 12AT7 candidates. Obviously those indicating V7 have to be my MarkV:90. I have an AT7 in V4 that I am happy with so my first question is there a consensus on using an AT7 in V6 or V7 on the MarkV:90? Secondly, I...
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    Mark V distasteful overdriven buzz

    In order to minimize the "buzz" on mine I have to hard bypass the loop. In addition the AT7 in V4 and the use of EL34s further help the issue.
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    Mesa MarkV / Saturation 'mod'

    Sorry Bandit, I need clarification. You posted "one more thing to boast about.... I believe the second IIC+ mod (GEQ fix) had improved CH2 and CH1". Is this referring to the 3.3k across C49 and C99 mod? Is this a mod that helped in your amp? My amp was assembled in May of 2010 and I have a...
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    Mesa MarkV / Saturation 'mod'

    Bandit, I too seem to experience a little brittleness still yet with the V I purchased new in 2010 though the AT7 in V4 has made this a much better amp for me. Could you post a short summary of each mod you have made to date? I dont want to wade thru the greater than 600 posts to weed out the...
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    Mesa MarkV / Saturation 'mod'

    Is anybody using or have tried EL34s with the AT7 mod or do you prefer 6L6s?
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    Mesa MarkV / Saturation 'mod'

    I have been modding amps for decades and may open my V and try this mod. I bought my amp new in May of 2010 and have thought it always had an annoying higher frequency response to all of the distorted channels. It has been my experience that running an AT7 in both V4 and V6 has made the amp...
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    Mesa MarkV / Saturation 'mod'

    My "thing" is southern rock and I have always preferred winged c el34s in my mark v, mostly living in channel 2 crunch even though ch1 of course takes a hit on the cleans. I am now running an at7 in both v4 and v6 and now actually prefer channel two's mark 1 with thick after the swap. My...