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  1. crypticb

    My Mark V replica – made with the utmost respect to Mesa

    Heya! Thanks for the kind words, guys. @LesPaul 70 – It's hand-built, with various factory-ordered parts (panels, power transformer) thrown in. There's no diode/tube switch. @kreatorkills – I am not sure about the type of tubes it takes, but I'm not looking forward to experimenting with EL34...
  2. crypticb

    My Mark V replica – made with the utmost respect to Mesa

    Yup, here's one -
  3. crypticb

    My Mark V replica – made with the utmost respect to Mesa

    Hey, fellas! So, here she is - my Mark V replica! A local amp builder and a very good friend of mine made it for me. Mind you, he isn't doing business selling these. It's a one-off gift for lucky ol' cryptic! You might be wondering how the hell can one recreate an amplifier of such complexity...