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  1. P


    Right. I should have clarified.The 2 ch Rec is a beautiful amp, but if this is what he has, it's probably why he can't get the hardcore crunch/palm mute sounds that he's looking for. Need pushed or raw modes for that IMHO.
  2. P


    You stated that it's an early 90s Recto. Could this be the 2 channel with out the pushed or raw modes?
  3. P

    A Fix For People Complaining About The Roadster.

    I just removed the chinese tubes from V3 and V4, replaced them w Russian 2s and this did help with the clarity on channels 3 n 4 on the roadster. Channels 3 and 4 are almost identical to my RK now. Thanks for the tip!!!
  4. P

    New Roadster owner

    yes. the tech i spoke to went and played a Roadster in the lab, called me back 15 mins later and acknowledged that channel 4 is much darker than 3 with identical settings, but gave no indication if they consider it a problem. I've always been happy with their support, but on this issue I kinda...
  5. P

    New Roadster owner

    I have to jump in to the defense of imnoshredder on the channel 4 issue. I have been devoted to the MESA line for 20 years now and have owned 9 different models, and TOTALLY happy with their customer service. One of their greatest strenghts on any of their amps has been the ability to tweek any...
  6. P

    New Roadster owner

    I just bought a Roadster combo 1x12 and I agree with you that channel 4 is WAY too dark and the treble and prescence controls seem like they don't work properly. I do NOT have this problem with my RK. I also just traded vm with Boogie and their message to me indicates that they have not heard...