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  1. G

    Trouble with level/gain Loop ACTIVE or NOT - 3ch Dual Recto

    Hey 3124+, Thank's for your complete answers, so cool man, I learn a lot about my amp thanks to you. What if ... I use the SOLO function to balance my output level when LOOP is disable ?! I've followed the schematic and I've well understood the issue with J175R and the Mix pot grounding. I put...
  2. G

    Trouble with level/gain Loop ACTIVE or NOT - 3ch Dual Recto

    Thank you 3124+, So .. If I've well understood, there's nothing to do ...? I think I'll go for the series Mod ... I've found a schematic weeks ago, is this correct ? : Just to not go wrong, I won't have this issue anymore with the series mod right ? Thank's yall,
  3. G

    Trouble with level/gain Loop ACTIVE or NOT - 3ch Dual Recto

    Hi afu, When I said "On or OFF", I meant "ACTIVE or NOT ACTIVE" and not "Bypass or not. Last night I ByPassed it, and everything was right, the FX Send Level pot was not acting anymore, as the SOLO and OUTPUT pots ... Oh, afu, I don't have a RETURN POT, only a SEND one. And a MIX one (10 to...
  4. G

    Trouble with level/gain Loop ACTIVE or NOT - 3ch Dual Recto

    Aaaaaahhhhh => No change !! :cry: Except a little 'hum' that disappeared (that can be explain ...) My FX SEND Level is still acting as a MASTER, even when the Loop's not active ... And still have this step between On and Off ... I will check tonight the different points that afu mentioned.
  5. G

    Trouble with level/gain Loop ACTIVE or NOT - 3ch Dual Recto

    Hi guys, Today I replace the broken diode, and I think it was clearly the problem source. I've identify the broken one on the schematic below. The missing diode causes a partial supply of the V1 heater and doesn't drive the RY2 Relay (Loop Bypass), this can explain why my FX Send Level was...
  6. G

    Trouble with level/gain Loop ACTIVE or NOT - 3ch Dual Recto

    Okay ! Thank's afu, I can get 4007 everywhere at my work ;-), I think I've got some at home, from my personal components... The more difficult so far will be to flip the board to get it un-soldered, and solder the new one ... Do you have a tip for this step ?
  7. G

    Trouble with level/gain Loop ACTIVE or NOT - 3ch Dual Recto

    Hi Everyone, I've opened my amp, and I've spotted a broken diode (a 1N4007) between V4A and V3B (physically), pictures below (front of the amp is on the right) : Can this the cause of my trouble ...? Thank's guys, G.
  8. G

    Trouble with level/gain Loop ACTIVE or NOT - 3ch Dual Recto

    Hi 3124+, Yes, I'm hearing a master level up when turning ON my FX Loop, by the 1/4" jacks controller, and via my Voodoo Lab controller. (And a MASTER volume/gain down, when turning it down ...). Thank you ! G.
  9. G

    Trouble with level/gain Loop ACTIVE or NOT - 3ch Dual Recto

    Hi afu, Thanks a lot for your time and your great answer, I will take a look carefully to my amp, and get an answer for all your 5 questions. I'll open it and measure the point you mentioned. I keep you in touch, Thanks again, Have a nice day, Guillaume.
  10. G

    Trouble with level/gain Loop ACTIVE or NOT - 3ch Dual Recto

    Hi afu, Thanks for your answer, The problem is that this "volume step" is shifting with the SEND LEVEL. If I put the SEND Control to straight Noon, I've got the step between Loop Active and Not, if I put it to 10 o'clock, I will get this step again when I'll active the loop, and if I put it to...
  11. G

    Trouble with level/gain Loop ACTIVE or NOT - 3ch Dual Recto

    Hi guys, I've got a problem with my Dual Rectifier : I've got an extra gain and volume (+10-15%) that appears when my FX Loop is activate, even when nothing is plugged in the loop. The most scary for me is that the SEND LEVEL pot modify my MASTER VOLUME both when LOOP is ON or OFF ... So I...