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  1. W

    Please help me with IIC/IIC+ identification

    99.9 percent sure it's a IIC. Great amps IMO.
  2. W

    Just a few general comments or opinion of the Badlander 100W

    With all my Mks and lord knows what else, I've still got my original ED 1x12 combo. It has been used as a combo all by itself, as the "dirty clean" amp in a multi-amp setup, as the centre in a W/D/W, as a slave-amp-and-cab, and sometimes even just purely as a speaker cab (it sounds really good...
  3. W

    REISSUE Rumor: Mark IIC+ and 2ch Recto

    Not recognising your characterization of constantly fighting with "old ones" such as my MkIIs, MkIIB Coli, MkIIC+, MkIVB etc - all of which I've used regularly for decades. Nonetheless, and not downplaying your experience: everyone's mileage will probably vary.
  4. W

    Mark IIb serial numbers

    Ever late to the party....... I've got a MkIIA HGX (written XPHG on the chassis side) s/n 524*, dated 5/28/80, and with the SP6A board. It looks like it's never had the Fetron switch installed, despite having the TR1009/12AX7 switching info panel stuck on the inside of the combo shell.
  5. W

    Should Mesa Boogie reissue the Mark IIC+ ?

    I've always said I love it, maybe even more than my IIC+, but I'm in curious about my Coli - to the extent of what it qualifies as: modded IIB, IIC or .....what? Not to mention, what the factory may have done to it (subsequent to its manufacture), and on whose behalf. Naturally I'm wondering...
  6. W

    Should Mesa Boogie reissue the Mark IIC+ ?

    I'm going to politely disagree with some of this. From a "gain" perspective, yes - a number of the newer boxes will out-smush my various IIAs, Coli IIB and IIC+. Not one of the post-MkIVs sound/feel remotely as good IME, however, at the somewhat lower gain levels I use all the time; and least of...
  7. W

    Wanted 50/50 power amp

    I will be, as soon as I can get it to my tech and checked out/serviced. PM me if you like...
  8. W

    My Boogie Mark IIB Story

    Not round here it doesn't: using it is an invitation to a banging of heads. Hence my concern.
  9. W

    For Sale Mesa Coliseums -- Mark IIB+, Mark III no-stripe, Mark III blue stripe

    "Blue stripe is the best or green. Purple stripe isn't worth owning". An ...ah, interesting viewpoint.
  10. W

    Q: Value of my Mark IIB?

    It's a MkIIA. However..... the loop mod done by MB is valuable to some people (folk like me, for example), and as a result the lack of reverb can be a non-issue in terms of setting the value.
  11. W

    My Boogie Mark IIB Story

    Ah, well that would explain it - the Celestion I was talking about (Black Shadow) is a circa 90W speaker - and I was under the impression when he said "Celestion Black Shadow" that it was a Celestion Black Shadow..... And "pal"........?
  12. W

    My Boogie Mark IIB Story

    Er, no....... I've thrashed both of mine separately with amps closer to 100w output, and I haven't managed to blow either of them up yet: it's a 90w speaker afaik. It came as standard in some MkIVs, and pretty much every ED 1x12 too IIRC (my MkIV and ED both had them in).
  13. W

    Mark IIB voicing...bassy?

    Got to love Steve Kimock's thoughts on the subject with the C+, this being a continuation of DW's pushing for ever-higher gain, all the way back to the transition from IIA to IIB: "Ok, if I had shown my hand up front on this one I would have guessed set-neck, dual humbucking, and...
  14. W

    Should Mesa Boogie reissue the Mark IIC+ ?

    I enjoy the variety of the "+" signs: I think I like the "upside-down" ones best..... They sound pretty good too! As a further aside, and speaking as a non-high-gain user, IME the MkV doesn't do it.
  15. W

    Help me choose…..

    I'm using Celestion Black Shadows on most things at the moment, so I guess the MC-90 gets my vote. I use both of the ones I have for the Coli IIB, or split them into one each for the IIA and/or MkIV. I run them with Two Rocks as well. Meanwhile my EVs, Creamback 75, Fane Crescendo etc are...
  16. W

    What Mesa has the best cleans?

    MkIIA, Electra-Dyne and Lone Star Classic all have a place. I've owned pretty much everything that Mesa made up until the early 2000s (last amp I bought was a Road King I) and these are the ones whose cleans have kept on working for me. The LSC was a loaner, an exceptional amp that I could...
  17. W

    Mark IIC+ opinions

    I'd put the bottom price for a properly serviced, structurally sound but maybe a bit tatty-looking 60 at around $3.5k: after that, you'd have to figure for yourself how much more a really clean and well-cared-for example means to you personally. I have one DRGX now, after a succession of other...
  18. W

    So, what amps do you own?

    My main amps are still MkIIA, Coliseum IIB, IIC+, MK IV and King Snake. I've sold a few rackmount amps and peripherals, but I've still got the Studio/395 - that'll probably go some time this year as well. The MkIIs (A to C+) all get used, though not as much as in former decades. My main amp...
  19. W

    Restoring my Mark I (servicing and OEM parts in the UK)

    As far as I'm aware John Kelly passed some time ago.
  20. W

    Considering Electra Dyne, looking for advice.

    After a couple of weeks with the Ethos pedal, I've swapped over to a KOT V4. I'm also running the amp into my Cornell/Fane Crescendo cab, instead of the onboard Celestion Black Shadow: it just keeps on getting better as I re-learn the various ways to set it up.