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The Boogie Board

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  1. B

    DIY Pedal Board Base

    Interested in building my own pedalboard. Nothing extremely large, enough for a roadster footswitch and about 4 stomp boxes. I'm thinking something metal, but I'm lost. Can anyone share your thoughts on the best material to use as the base for a pedal board? Thanks guys!
  2. B

    Who is your guitar hero and what's your iconic guitar tone?

    They aren't my guitar heroes, but I remember thinking "Oh my goodness this is the nastiest metal tone i've ever heard" when I listened to the song "Romance is Dead" by Parkway Drive. The breakdowns in that song punch so hard! I believe they run 6505s through mesa cabs.
  3. B

    NAD: Roadster

    another one sounding off for the roadster. I had a dual rec for a few years, loved it, but wanted a bit more versatility. Roadster is hands down my favorite head i've played through.
  4. B

    Treated myself to the Roaster and OMG I'm in love

    Congrats on the new head! I'm completely in love with my roadster. I haven't found a bad tone out of it. I play a lot of metal, chugg-a-lugg stuff with some shred, and man I fall more in love with this amp every day.
  5. B

    Was Looking for a Dual Rec, Discovered the Roadster

    Sound is in the ear of the beholder. I personally run my roadster through a mesa straight 4x12 (V30s), but the beauty of music is being able to find new sounds and tones. I say give it a try and see what happens, you might uncover a new sound thats incredible!