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  1. nikolai

    Mesa Mini Rectifier thoughts?

    Now for a potentially more complex issue...the cabinet. I hear putting a lower wattage amp through a conventional 4x12 can make the amp quiter, which may or may not be a bad thing. My only concern would be tone. I've read about a guy running the MR through a 4x10 with good results. Thinking...
  2. nikolai

    Mesa Mini Rectifier thoughts?

    The mark V 25 does seem to be better for leads but I think I prefer the MR better overall. It has better cleans from what I can tell. Thanks for the input everybody!
  3. nikolai

    Mesa Mini Rectifier thoughts?

    I really only have enough to get a MR. I could always save another month or two, though. Now that andross182 alleviated my concerns and I watched more reviews, I'm more enthusiastic about the MR. I'll look into the Mark V 25, though. Not sure, since I many videos, but I think it...
  4. nikolai

    Mesa Mini Rectifier thoughts?

    Yeah, I know the Mesa reputation, but I thought maybe since it's lower wattage and some youtube reviews were less than perfect. I guess I'd say high gain heavy metal modern stuff. I did hear some nice chugging, though. It seems to do classic rock pretty well. No shops anywhere near me. : /
  5. nikolai

    Mesa Mini Rectifier thoughts?

    So I've been looking into getting a new amp. I'm very picky, 'cause I want the sweetest clean tones and the most well defined leads and maybe some good crunch. I also want to be able to push a 4x12...but not too much. So, in comes the Mesa Mini Rectifier. I've only researched it online, but the...