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  1. K

    fender eq vs mesa eq

    Great point. I will continue to save up for the mesa GEQ version. Thanks,
  2. K

    fender eq vs mesa eq

    Guys, I recently saw fender has a new eq pedal in a mini foot print at around $79. Has any one ever tried this option vs the $200+ mesa eq pedal? I have a mesa studio 22+ without the on board eq and have been trying to save up for the mesa version for my loop. Here's a link to one on ebay...
  3. K

    Studio 22+

    My studio is a week old to me and it happened twice at home until I did the trick. I plan on using the effects loop but haven't tried it yet. I like a suttle slap back with the dd-7 back there.
  4. K

    Studio 22+

    Just running g a cable last night did the trick. I played for about 45 min and nothing wierd happened. I am still going to get my hands on some dioxit and spray out all the jacks. Thanks a bunch Don. That was a simple fix.
  5. K

    Studio 22+

    Hey guys, I recently purchased a Boogie studio .22+. Awesome very clean amp. I believe it's a 89 - 90. It had been sitting at a local shop just wasting away for a couple years. I couldn't let that happen and brought it home. After playing for a bit I noticed that the volume would cut out and...