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  1. G

    "Fixing" the Nomad's 3rd channel

    I'd say they're pretty close in gain. I might say that channel three has a touch more, but I typically play channel two in vintage mode, but channel three in modern mode, so it effects how the gain is perceived. I would think that bypass cap would have a pretty good effect, though, since it's on...
  2. G

    "Fixing" the Nomad's 3rd channel

    I'm not really looking to radically alter the sound (yet?), but just change the frequency response. I've done similar mods in other amps, and things like just changing the value of a bypass cap can make a huge difference. However, as I mentioned before, I've mostly worked on Marshalls and...
  3. G

    "Fixing" the Nomad's 3rd channel

    I'll have to check out the schematic on the SLO to compare the negative feedback. I've never played an SLO, but I have played some Hot Rods, and I always felt I could dial in plenty of that sizzle that I'm looking for with the presence control. I agree that there seems to be a lot of room to...
  4. G

    marshall JCM 800

    I'm a Marshall guy at heart; the cleans on the JCM800 suck. For overdrive, I'm convinced that it's one if the best sounds there is. But clean is not its forte'. It IS rather dynamic, so if you don't need pristine cleans, you can roll your guitar volume back to clean it up. But the JCM800 is a...
  5. G

    "Fixing" the Nomad's 3rd channel

    Well, you're actually right; I do want a different amp! However, I couldn't get something that replaces this amp for what I paid. All my other amps are single channel, and I need the flexibility of having channel switching. Channels 1&2 are useable enough; not spectacular, but they work for what...
  6. G

    "Fixing" the Nomad's 3rd channel

    Hello All! I'm new to the boards. I picked up a little while ago a Nomad 55 head and cab for $400. I wanted something with channel switching and something rather flexible, and this seemed to fit the bill, especially for the price! However, While channels 1&2 are useable to me (not great...)...