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  1. P

    Amps weights please. Lighter amp needed following an injury.

    That's really good info about the F30 thanks. When it came to needing a lighter amp the F30 was one on my list but you say it is heavy. Do you know how heavy it is? The weight would really interest me as who knows if I come across one at a sensible price I may be tempted to travel and have a...
  2. P

    Amps weights please. Lighter amp needed following an injury.

    Got a chance to try the amp out today at a full electric rehearsal and it performed very well indeed. Kept its head above the drummer easily and I didn't have to go above 6 on either the pre or post pots. The other guys were well impressed with its performance and even more impressed with the...
  3. P

    Amps weights please. Lighter amp needed following an injury.

    Hi Don, I gave the Studio 22+ a good going over last night and bought it. To be honest at the level I have my Mark III, which is quite low, I could get the 22+ to sound exactly the same. It is surprisingly loud and doesn't sound "boxy" like my Super Champ does when wound up. We DI into the desk...
  4. P

    Amps weights please. Lighter amp needed following an injury.

    Thanks Don, That is really helpful as I'm going to look at a Studio 22+ tonight. I have an all original Fender Super Champ blackface with both the original speaker and a 10" EV which is in it at the moment so it is still quite heavy. It is also flight cased so that only adds to the problem I...
  5. P

    Amps weights please. Lighter amp needed following an injury.

    Hi All, I have had and loved a Mark 3 combo for many years but I have recently sustained quite a serious shoulder injury and lifting anything heavy is going to be out the question for a long time to come - maybe permanently. I am thinking of one the following amps to get me reasonably mobile...