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  1. R

    New Boogie User.. Newb.... looking for thoughts and advice

    Recto Robbie.... I sort of stumbled on this one. They actually have an EVH head mispriced there too. Although I'm fairly certain they've gone through everything to make sure they don't lose 1200 on a piece of gear again.
  2. R

    New Boogie User.. Newb.... looking for thoughts and advice

    Thank you, Given... I certainly will. The learning curve compared to Marshall is big, but I've some experience with tone stacks from a Laney amp of years ago... but this is much more fun than I originally thought.
  3. R

    New Boogie User.. Newb.... looking for thoughts and advice

    Hey there sir. I bought this at GC in Arlington Heights. They played all sorts of games with me, but ultimately knew I caught them in a huge blunder. I'm sure heads rolled when it hit that they took a 1200 dollar loss on the amp. I'm not sure what resale is, but I heard that were going to...
  4. R

    New Boogie User.. Newb.... looking for thoughts and advice

    Elvis, thank you so much for the info. I didn't get a manual with the amp. I actually work in the music products industry and am trying to develop a relationship with Mesa for work. Along the way, I'll ask them if they still have a manual. May I ask you about the tone stacks on this amp? My...
  5. R

    New Boogie User.. Newb.... looking for thoughts and advice

    Hey Everyone, I'm Matt and I live in the burbs of Chicago. As of yesterday, I'm new to the world of Mesa Boogie amps. I've played nothing but Marshall amps my whole life...I've been playing for about 40 years. I currently own two Marshall JMP half stacks and a Mode Four head. The Mode Four...